
更新时间:2023-04-07 20:26:18 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载doxc


 Many Chinese who pursue traditional concepts will be astonished by the appearance of male nurses. As a matter of fact, however, gender is no longer a barrier hindering Chinese men from joining the nursing field.
  Sample1: I'm Xu Lingzhi ,17-year-old,is studying nursing at Harbin's Secondary Health School. When I was in primary school and middle school, boys and girls accounted for 50% respectively in class, but now only two out of 50 students in my class are boys. This made me feel uneasy when I just started my study here and many of my relatives and friends regard male nurse strange.
  Sample2: My name is Steven Cheung
  I hold a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The course has provided me the formal training necessary to be a nurse. Besides, I possess ten years of extensive experience ranging from Nursing Assistant to Nursing Supervisor at XYZ Hospital. My responsibilities include patient assessment and staff development, as well as the coordination of other health care services such as dietary, food nutrition, physical therapy and pharmacy.
  I believe my strong clinical background and experience make me a valuable asset to your hospital. I would be pleased to attend an interview.
  Sample3: The following introduced himself to do what I call: **, ** year-old, Han nationality, graduated in 2023, Sichuan Nanchong City, Sichuan Medical College Vocational and Technical College, secondary school education.
  Whenever a child who can see the hospital's wearing a white coat, the patient beside busy to see patients because of their loving care to alleviate the suffering of the kind of revealed expression of gratitude, they were really like in my mind angelic lovely and holy, I have a dream that one day the same as they do an angels in white, after graduating from junior high school, I did not hesitate to take the entrance exam the provincial Medical School. In their own efforts and family support, I successfully completed the Medical School three years of studies, the fine courses.
  Although the employment after graduation as a result of social tensions, failed to immediately assigned to work, but I do not sit at home with, but will be active in school and I have learned during the internship, applied to life, his family only when they are sick for their injection, but also some of the diagnosis and treatment within its capacity for them to reduce a lot of trouble, the family joked I was the family doctor, I am very proud of this title, which also affirmed my lifelong dedication to the cause of health care energy determination. However, my ideal is not just to help their loved ones around. I want the same as Florence Nightingale, through their own efforts and love for more people to bring health and happiness.
  So I would like to seize this rare opportunity and hope that examiners can give me an ideal opportunity to achieve in life, so I'm really aspire to go their own way, I will have learned that her love and knowledge of elders for the home folks to do their due contribution.
  To prepare for work (such as personal information, clothing, makeup) fully prepared to relieve your tension, and then when you walked into the interview room, remember that the rise of chest, smiling!
  First of all reported their own name and identity. Examiner interviews candidate may be greeted with, has this to tell each other, but they can from your application form, resume and other materials in the understanding of these situations, but still you take the initiative to mention. This is the need for politeness, but also can enhance the impression of your examiner.
  Second, you can simply explain your qualifications, work experience (in school part-time) and other basic personal circumstances. Please ensure that a clear narrative thread, a poorly organized, long since the opening, will examiners were left disorganized, personality is not clear impression and let the examiner fatigue, weakening of the interview continued interest and attention.
  Next, from this part of the basic conditions of personal and natural transition to one or two during their undergraduate or successful completion of the event to the image of the two examples, the clarity he explained his own experience and ability, for example: at school served as student leaders during the successful organization of activities; or how to put into social practice, use their expertise to public service; or own significant achievements of professional and excellent academic achievements.








热门标签: 护士 自我介绍 英文






如何包装面试形象, 人们常说佛要金装,人要衣装。其实这话一点也不假。因为包装,可以说是门学问、是门艺术,它给人一种超凡、脱俗的美感,而这种美带给人们的效果应该是这样的,视觉美、感觉良好,一切都是从有益的角度出发,使人一见顿生快感。 且对面试来讲,应试当天的穿着打扮对录取与否,有着举足轻重的影响,虽说留下完美的第一印象未



面试中如何向考官巧妙提问, 在竞争激烈的就业市场中,一家好的用人单位门前常常会排着一个长长的求职队伍。等到终于可以和用人单位面对面的时候,一些毕业生往往仓促应战,不知道该如何同用人单位进行融洽的交流,也不擅于在和用人单位的交流中提出自己的要求。即便是用人单位给求职者一个提要求的机会,毕业生也往往因为准备不足而不知所措。



面试谈薪有策略, 策略1、学会给自己留后路 金融专业的李小姐毕业到一家大型的保险公司面试,在业内人事看来,这是一家非常有名气和实力的公司。在面试中,李小姐表现得非常出色,但当面试官问及她期望的薪资的时候,她开出了一个较高的薪水,和该公司提供给新员工的薪水差距较大。面试官明确表示:这样的薪水,本公司不能接受。眼看着面试陷



面试中对你的测试, 一、角色扮演测试 角色扮演测试就是设计一系列尖锐的人际矛盾与人际冲突,要求应试者分别扮演不同的角色,去处理各种问题和矛盾。面试时,通过对应试者在扮演不同角色时所表现出来的行为进行观察和记录,测试应试者如下的能力:一是角色把握能力;二是处理人际关系的能力,如缓和气氛、化解矛盾的技巧、行为策略的正确性、



职场减压范文 , 调查显示,我们每天面对的压力是20年前人们面对的压力的5倍,现在90%的人打破了正常的生活规律,难怪我们中间有许多人对健康多有抱怨。压力增加了我们得上糖尿病、高血压、肥胖,甚至是心脏病和骨质疏松的危险。专家认为:在人们的生活中,不能控制所有的压力,但是我们能支配的是我们的身体,使我们减少伤害。你想更冷



关于应聘会计面试技巧, 1,会计的6大基本要素是什么? 答案:资产、负债、所有者权益、收入、费用和利润 2,会计的3大报表是什么? 答案:资产负债表,现金流量表,利润表(也称为损益表) 3,权益性支出与资本性支出的差异是什么? 答案:资本性支出:是用于购买或生产使用年限在一年以上的耐用品所需的支出,指企业单位
