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洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第一篇

The summer is coming. I like summer very much.

In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday is my favorite time.

I don’t have to go to school in holidays, so I can play with my friends. I can travel with my parents, too.

I want to go many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二篇

The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such asswimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday ismy favorite time. I don't have to go to school in holidays, so I can play withmy friends. I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, suchas Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer.

In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are 's very like to go like swimming very I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.

In the summer the trees and leaves are are open don't like to go want to stay at in the 's very cool.

In the like to eat there are many kinds of ice-cream.

I like swimming and I like eat I like summer too.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三篇

My hometown is in Shandong. It's very, very beautiful all the year round. Of course, the most beautiful is autumn. Because, the ground is full of yellow leaves, spread a golden path. The most fun is certainly the winter, because, the winter arrived, there will be heavy snow. The children will have snowball fights and make snowmen on the thick snow, which is very, very fun. Last year, I went back to my hometown -- Shandong Province with my father and grandmother by train to see the snow.

The place I remember most in my hometown is the corn field in front of our yard. I like autumn there most, because every fall, the corn in the corn field is ripe, every morning, the day just light, we will drive a big truck to pick corn in the corn field.

To the corn field, you will be very, very surprised, because some of the ripe corn, the attraction of the earth to the corn kernels on the ground, the golden corn kernels paved a golden path. The corn kernels all over the ground are like a beautiful golden corn country. You don't see picking corn is very tired, in fact, I feel not tired at all, and I also feel very very fun and happy. Once, my brother and I were picking corn in the corn field. My brother took off his shoes and ran into the corn pile full of corn. He accidentally slipped and slept in the corn pile. After that, we took the corn kernels on the ground to throw to throw, have a good time, not tired. When breakfast time came, we stopped the big wagon in a shady spot and ate a young corn out of it.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四篇

There are always many beautiful flowers in summer. And also, I can wear short clothes. In my school, during summer, girls always wear beautiful skirts and boys always wear shirts and shorts. Girls are beautiful and cute. Boys are handsome. White clouds float on the blue sky. Hot wind comes one by one. I swear. I sit under the electronic fan, get the wind from the fan. That's convinient, I almost cannot control my loving on this season.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第五篇

I like beach very much, I will go to the beach every summer. There is a small beach near my hometown, in the summer, there are many people go to the beach. They go to swimming, play with their friends. I will ask my brother to go there with me, we play the game hide and seek. I feel so happy in the beach.


洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第六篇


爸爸说:那时候走在大街上,满眼都是穿着黑色、蓝色和白色衣服的人。衣服的式样,大家基本一样。男男女女穿同样的衣服,有时看背 影根本分不清男女。家里小孩多的时候,衣服就是老大穿新衣、老二穿旧衣,然后老三、老四继续捡旧衣穿,大人很少为小孩重新做新衣 服。为此,我们家还闹了个笑话,据说我的姑姑小的时候都是捡爸爸的衣服穿,有一次,姑姑走丢了,全家人四处寻找,明明是个小姑娘 ,可捡到的人家却说捡了一个小男孩,好笑吗?

现在可是大不一样了:近年来,城市居民的衣着,早已突破了颜色单调、式样单一的旧格调,人们的衣服变得丰富多彩,穿衣已由过去单 纯为了防寒、取暖向着美化生活方向发展。大街上很少能够看到穿同样衣服的人。

爷爷讲:以前的人很少吃肉,只在逢年过节的时候买一点好吃的,*常米面吃的多一些,每顿饭做菜很少,饭菜花样很少。爷爷讲了个他 们那时候一日三餐的笑话,说:“早上吃窝窝头,中午吃狼带帽、晚上换个样改吃没底蒸馍。”我好奇的问:““狼带帽”和“没底蒸馍 ”是什么东西,好吃吗?”爷爷笑着解开了谜底,原来都是窝窝头!一日三餐吃一样的东西。现在,餐桌上的东西早就不一样了,越来越 丰富。一天不吃肉,我就感觉浑身没劲。嗨,真不知道,他们那时候是怎么过来的?

洛阳人的变化真大呀!生活在幸福的现代社会,我为自己每天可以穿不同的衣服而高兴,为每天可以吃不同的美食而欢呼。今日的幸福是 由你们长辈辛勤劳动得来的,感谢你们爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、明妈妈!我会努力学知识、长本领,把洛阳建设的更加美好!

我的家乡洛阳英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展7)

——洛阳的春天作文 (菁选3篇)

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第七篇


洛阳在黄河中游南岸,中原的西部,伊洛*原之中。是中华民族发祥地之一,在60万年前,这里就有了原始人。洛阳位于古中国的腹心 ,地理位置十分重要,历来是兵家必争之地!


洛阳是中国著名的花城。洛阳是中国著名的花城。有“洛阳牡丹甲天下”。传说,武则天在长安时,诏令百花齐放,唯独牡丹不放。 武则天气急之下把牡丹贬到洛阳,在洛阳时,牡丹鲜花怒放,武则天令火烧牡丹,可只烧焦了枝干。所以称“焦骨牡丹”。古时,洛阳牡 丹有上百个品种,以姚黄、魏紫最为著名。今日,洛阳牡丹,生气勃发,百花争艳,每年4月15到25日为洛阳牡丹花会。

洛阳有许多名胜古迹,如:龙门石窟、白马寺、少林寺……龙门石窟始创于494年,有长达500多年的历史。现存窟龛2100多个,造象10万多尊,佛塔40余座,碑刻题记3600多块。五千年,几度风雨,几经沧桑,洛阳文化灿烂,古迹名胜,一幕幕历史 活剧,在这里上演。


洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第八篇





洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第九篇

Do you know what I like? Summer vacation. I like it because I can go outside to play. If it rains, I can stay inside and play checkers. And this summer my family may go to Beijing, because we have not been there yet.

Do you know what I don't like? I don't like homework during summer vacation.“This is so difficult,”I complain. But once I begin to do it, I always stop complaining. I just try to finish it quickly so I can have a good time for the next two months!

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十篇





洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十一篇

Not only is summer a hot season but also diseases are apt to happen. To us it is neither comfortable nor we do not wish to get sick, we must pay attention to the following sanitary ways in fresh air and clean food are indispensable to must try our best to get (obtain) should take at least one bath every 't wear dirty clothes.

In conclusion, if we can carry out the above mentioned rules, we will neither get sick nor suffer pain.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十二篇









洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十三篇

Luoyang, located in the Waterinfo because of its name and Yang, Chinese civilization is one of the main birthplace. Since the year 770 BC, moved the capital to Luo Yi Zhou Wang, one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here, as long as 1,500 years. A long history of dazzling left to the Luoyang cultural heritage and tourism resources inexhaustible.

Luoyang is rich in cultural, Longmen Grottoes is one of China's three major grottoes, the White Horse Temple, China's first official Buddhist temple, the ancient Luoyang Museum is the world's largest group of ancient tombs, as well as two-way tomb, the white garden Kuan Lin, and so on a large number of historical sites.

Luoyang equally attractive scenery, xxxXiao Yue, Tianjin,xxx xxxcolor Longmen Mountains,xxx xxxLuopu Autumn,xxx xxxMa Bell Templexxx Luoyang Eight different style, beautiful scenery, enjoy the meantime, you will have made music Erwang Back

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十四篇

Spring sister left, the hot summer came. All people sweat, in the street, there are a variety of xxxshirtxxx walked in the street back and forth. Once, the weather was 42 degrees hot. Most people in the air conditioning room, few people dare to walk in the street wearing short sleeved pants even if some people walk in the street, you can still dare to very hot. It's really tough in summer!

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十五篇

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have sprung up one after life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.


洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十六篇

In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are 's very le like to go like swimming very I often go to the swimming poll in the summer I can swim very well.

In the summer the trees and leaves are ers are open le don't like to go want to stay at use in the 's very cool.

In the le like to eat there are many kinds of ice-cream.

I like swimming and I like eat I like summer too.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十七篇

I like summer very gives us a lot of summer ,I always like to go swimming with my classmates,we play happily in the swimming pool all the addition ,I love to eat watermelon with my family in the afternoon,we sit around and talk about many different things,we all achieve knowledge in think summer is the best season because there are many interesting and exciting activities.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十八篇

My home town is a beautiful stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little people had no lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was then great changes have taken place streets have been and theatres have sprung up one after life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my the more I love its are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第十九篇

The summer is like summer very summer days,I can do a lot of things,such as swimming,eating ice cream,drinking cold summer holiday is my favorite don’t have to go to school in holidays,so I can play with my can travel with my parents, want to go many places,such as Beijing,Shanghai,Xiamen and so is why I love summer.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十篇

It's almost the end of April. Summer has come to us in my city. In south, summer always comes earlier than north. It has been hot for about half a month. The highest temperature reached 37 degree. Now, there are much less people in the street. People are not likely to go out during the summer. It's so hot outside. Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city. The pools are always full filled with people. Parents often take their children to swimming pool at night. Personally, I do not like summer, because it's too hot and the sunshine is strong. I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable. Therefore, summer is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十一篇

In summer,all kinds offruits areripe,have been listed,colorful,have everything that one expects to findthe rainy season,wecan taste thesour,sweetYang Mei;slippery,deliciousmango;not only refreshing,and thirst-quenchingwatermelon;andsparklinggrape;known as thexxxQueen of fruitxxx!

Summer is so beautiful,is soattractive,seductive,let us have tolove summer,Ilikeyou,only one a year summer

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十二篇

Of all the four seasons,I love summer most.

Firstly, summer is my most favourite season because the longest vacations of the year are in can have a lot of fun during summer vacations, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally?

Secondly, summer is a pleasan.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十三篇


洛阳在黄河中游南岸,中原的西部,伊洛*原之中。是中华民族发祥地之一,在60万年前,这里就有了原始人。洛阳位于古*的腹心 ,地理位置十分重要,历来是兵家必争之地!


洛阳是*著名的花城。洛阳是*著名的花城。有“洛阳牡丹甲天下”。传说,武则天在长安时,诏令百花齐放,唯独牡丹不放。 武则天气急之下把牡丹贬到洛阳,在洛阳时,牡丹鲜花怒放,武则天令火烧牡丹,可只烧焦了枝干。所以称“焦骨牡丹”。古时,洛阳牡 丹有上百个品种,以姚黄、魏紫最为著名。今日,洛阳牡丹,生气勃发,百花争艳,每年4月15到25日为洛阳牡丹花会。

洛阳有许多名胜古迹,如:龙门石窟、白马寺、少林寺……龙门石窟始创于494年,有长达500多年的历史。现存窟龛2100多个,造象10万多尊,佛塔40余座,碑刻题记3600多块。五千年,几度风雨,几经沧桑,洛阳文化灿烂,古迹名胜,一幕幕历史 活剧,在这里上演。


我的家乡洛阳英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展2)

——我的家乡作文洛阳 (菁选3篇)

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十四篇

Luoyang,located in the Waterinfo because of its name and Yang,Chinese civilization is one of the main the year 770 BC,moved the capital to Luo Yi Zhou Wang,one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here,as long as 1,500 long history of dazzling left to the Luoyang cultural heritage and tourism resources inexhaustible.

Luoyang is rich in cultural,Longmen Grottoes is one of China's three major grottoes,the White Horse Temple,China's first official Buddhist temple,the ancient Luoyang Museum is the world's largest group of ancient tombs,as well as two-way tomb,the white garden Kuan Lin,and so on a large number of historical sites.

Luoyang equally attractive scenery,xxxXiao Yue,Tianjin,xxx xxxcolor Longmen Mountains,xxx xxxLuopu Autumn,xxx xxxMa Bell Templexxx Luoyang Eight different style,beautiful scenery,enjoy the meantime,you will have made music erwang back.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十五篇





洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十六篇

It is true that summer is hot, very hot. But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me, for I don't usually go out. What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my heart's content. My room maybe small, and the sun maybe hot, but I'm free, I'm happy, I'm really living! Oh, how I love summer!


In my city, it's so hot in the summer even in the evenings that nobody would like to stay at usually walk in the street or sit in the open gather to chat and there topics are various, such as their dinners, their families,livesor some interesting news around are some people dancing every take it as a good chance to do exercise and make some elderly people, they would like to do Tai Chi that is more suitable to to my family, we always go outside after the hot weather, we think that walking after dinner is good to often stay outside for an hour and then come my father doesn't like to go outside because he is tired after in all, the lives in summer are colorful, because people would like to go out and have some fun.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十七篇

My hometown is luoyang, luoyang is famous for eight landscapes, namely longmen grottoes, luoyang peony and so on.

Longmen grottoes is one of the four ancient grottoes in ancient China and is also a world-famous cultural heritage. Longmen mountain qingshuo, beautiful scenery, there are two mountains -- dongshan and xishan, in the middle of the clear water separation of the yi river, but it is also connected by the grand bridge across the yi river. The willows on both sides of the river, though not tall and tall, are as strong as soldiers in green uniforms guarding the Banks of the river. Its not possible to come to the dragon gate without looking at the grottoes. The longmen grottoes are completely human and art grottoes, which are more than 20 meters high. The small ones are only two or three centimeters high. The largest Buddha, a head is four meters tall, two I plus one hand may not touch the top of my head. There are countless statues of Buddha in the cave, the stone walls of the cave and the ceiling, and there are statues of Buddha about two centimeters high everywhere. Seeing here, I cant help but admire the ancient peoples wisdom and carving skills and have to applaud.

When it comes to luoyang, we have to talk about the peony. xxxOnly the peony is the color of the country, the flower opens the time of the city.xxx Every April, luoyang city is the sea of peony flowers, the annual xxxChina luoyang peony culture festivalxxx also in the thick fragrant flowers. Because xxxthe peony in luoyangxxx makes thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists come to admire. The colors of luoyang peony are different, the flowers are huge, there are red, yellow, white, pink, green, black... Red as fire, yellow as gold, pink as rosy, white as jade, green as green, black as ink... A gust of spring wind, the fragrance of flowers and the nose, attracted a lot of busy bees to gather honey, also make people relaxed and happy, forget all the troubles. Even more amazing xxxtwo Joexxx, a flower two colors, proudly in the group of flowers, likes to show its beauty to people unsparingly. All the people standing in the peony garden, enjoying the beautiful scenery, smell the flowers, will be slowly intoxicated...

I am proud and proud that I am luoyang. Wherever I am, luoyangs mountains, water, flowers and her beauty will always be in my mind.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十八篇

Summer I like summer best. In summer,the weather is sunny and can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very can have a picnic with my we have fun! I like summer best!Do you like it,too?


洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第二十九篇

The summer is coming. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday is my favorite time. I don’t have to go to school in holidays, so I can play with my friends. I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十篇

My hometown Liaocheng is very beautiful, do not believe, please listen to me say.

We have Guanzhou Pear Garden in Liaocheng, where the pears are big and sweet and very delicious. In spring, the pear blossoms, a near pear garden, like into the vast sea of snow. There are too many pear flowers. They are really beautiful. In summer, pear trees bear a lot of small fruit, very lovely. In autumn, the fruit is rich, and people who visit can eat big and sweet pears. In winter, the gardener put on winter clothes to the pear tree, wait until spring comes, the gardener to untie the winter coat pear tree, blossom and bear fruit again. Look, the pear orchard is beautiful, isn't it?

Pear Garden is very beautiful, we have one of the most famous scenic spots in Liaocheng, Guangyue Tower, it is the central scenic spot in Liaocheng, did not look at the name of the time, I heard the moon tower, really funny. But at night, there is moonlight coming in, and the moon is very beautiful from here, so the Guangyue Tower is the most famous scenic spot in the center of Liaocheng, it's very beautiful.

I also know that let the REINS and the people in the history of liaocheng, is adopted, the person who made poor, but his industry and thrift, begs opened at an elementary school, the number of students increased slowly, the humble primary schools have got better, stone table into a wooden desk, the classmates finally not shivering in the winter, in developing slowly, now, is adopted in the high school now. My sister is there, now my sister is also very grateful to Mr. Wu Xun, you see, Wu Xun is not moral very beautiful?

My hometown Liaocheng is so beautiful!

我的家乡洛阳英语作文 (菁选3篇)(扩展5)

——我的家乡英语作文参考 (菁选3篇)

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十一篇

Summer, summer grandfather in heaven looking at people, some are swimming, some eating popsicles, and in the house lazily blowing air! I'm so glad to see you all live happily!

Summer grandpa suddenly remembered business, and work did not do? Grandpa summer felt that he should open a show work, Grandpa Xia thought here, hurriedly left the distant sky, straight to the land, and this is a long summer began!

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十二篇

In the summer,the days are longer and the nights are 's very like to go like swimming very I often go to the swimming poll in the summer .And I can swim very well.

In the summer the trees and leaves are are open don't like to go want to stay at in the 's very cool.

In the like to eat there are many kinds of ice-cream.

I like swimming and I like eat I like summer too.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十三篇

Maoming forest park is a large and beautiful park.

Maoming forest park gates, bypass path, came to the desert botanical garden. An enter a door, is watermelon big plants, with numerous white spines. Look to the right, you can see long cactus. Is the front, a kind of unknown plant green, very smooth.

Watching the desert botanical garden, stepping a brisk pace, we came to the zoo. Every animal is kept in an iron house, probably because not bitten by animals. There is a crocodile, goats, loris... The most lovely to loris, it is long and bushy tail was shaking, at this time, a classmate in to eat it, it also follow the students do the action, fun; The most beautiful is the peacock, it take two steps, then open the colorful feathers, and its body to match, can calculate a role beauty; Is the most fierce lion, it has a golden hair, dark eyes, leisurely walk inside the iron cage, open your mouth sometimes it yelling...

Read all kinds of animals, the classmates excited to go to the museum. Museum has two layers, the first layer is the materials about animals, the second layer is animal specimens, they can let us see the world, open field of vision. On the left side of the room there are monkeys, lions, birds... On the right side of the room have a squirrel, a goat, mouse... The most terrible is the eagle, it is standing on a tree branch to volley soar, ready to embrace the sun. Is the most interesting of the two specimens of squirrel synthesis, it is synthesized from two squirrel, tail like a broom, triangle.

Visiting the museum, we have to go for a plant maze with the feelings of joy. One into the plant maze, you can see many plants, leave a bit, give you a path beside the walls railing, let you can't tell, north and south, east and west. You go in, immediately seized by curiosity, total want to string, result she lost her way.

Maoming forest park is filled with beautiful scenery and fun, I hope you have the chance to enjoy, visit.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十四篇

In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesn't blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired--except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I can't study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十五篇

My hometown is located in Liaocheng city. It is located in the west of Shandong province. It is on the vast and fertile western Shandong plain. It is also called xxxJiangbei Shuichengxxx and xxxc* ancient capitalxxxxxx.

Liaocheng is a historical and cultural city, but also a modern new city. Here is the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande C*e through, like a jade belt, many of the attractions in Liaocheng and places of historic interest and scenic beauty together, for example: Shanshan hall, Dongchang Lake, Yue floor, cultural square and so on. In addition, Liaocheng has many leisure and entertainment attractions, such as: Dyke paradise, Phoenix Park, dragon Plaza, Lakeside Park, old Liaocheng gardens and sports park. The ferris wheel currently under construction will be the landmark of Liaocheng and the third highest Ferris wheel in asia.

Shanshan hall visited? It was a place where the merchants of Shanxi and Shaanxi used to gather in Liaocheng during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Two yard of the old tree is said to have several hundred years of history, the old tree is still verdant, shows a wild profusion of vegetation, its vitality. There is an ancient stage in the center of the guild hall. It is made of whole wooden structure. Although it has been a hundred years old, each part of the ancient stage is still firm, so it can be seen how superb the craftsman's technique is at that time!

Dongchang Lake is one of the most famous scenic spots in Liaocheng, every visitor to Liaocheng will not miss, otherwise you will regret it. Dongchang Lake is the biggest characteristic of the xxxbigxxx. Its area is 3 times larger than the present size of West Lake. So why does Liaocheng have the reputation of xxxJiangbei water cityxxx? One is because the Beijing Hangzhou the Grande C*e runs through downtown, two is because the Dongchang Lake is the city's biggest lake, three is because the Tuhai River is the largest river in agricultural irrigation, four is because Liaocheng is the four river gathering place. This is the origin of Jiangbei Shuicheng

Isn't our Liaocheng beautiful? If you want to come, I can be your guide!

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十六篇






洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十七篇

The summer is ing. I like summer very much. In summer days, I can do a lot of things, such as swimming, eating ice cream, drinking cold water. Besides, the summer holiday is my favorite time. I don’t have to go to school in holidays, so I can play with my friends. I can travel with my parents, too. I want to go many places, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen and so on. This is why I love summer.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十八篇

Summer came, hot days, more people outside, the children are wearing their own beautiful skirt, came out to play. The frogs in the water sit on the lotus leaf to sing; the tree knows to hide in the bushes xxxhot ah, hot ahxxx to call, the flowers in the park become more vivid. Summer is beautiful!


洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第三十九篇

The summer at noon, the children came to the park, they saw a round, green lotus leaves. A little frog croaked and singing on the lotus leaf, small drops of water on the lotus leaf was blinking shiny eyes, small fish in the lotus leaf to swim downstream, pick up a beautiful blossoming spray, small dragonfly stand on the lotus leaves open transparent wings.

Ah! What a lovely summer.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四十篇






洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四十一篇










洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四十二篇

Summer is my favorite season.

I was born in summer. In summer, I won’t wear thick coats any more. I’ll dress more casually. I’ll wear a T-shirt. I’ll go swimming every day, and I will have ice cream. It’s very delicious.

In summer, I will have summer vacation. I’ll visit lots of beautiful places and take a lot of photos. But I have to finish my homework first. I’ll play with my best friends every day.

I can’t wait for summer to come! Hurry, summer!

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四十三篇





洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四十四篇

Happy Summer

This summer, I move to a new city with my parents, and I transfer to a new school. I used to live in the countryside, so my new life is so different from before. The school is a little far from my home, so I go to school by bus. After school, I have many activities in school. Classmates are friendly to me.

I learn English now. It’s so interesting that I like it very much. Besides, life in city is different. There are many interesting places to go. At weekends, my parents take me outside. We go to the park, the zoo or go shopping. But we are not so familiar with our neighbors. I think we should build good relationship with them.

洛阳的夏天英语作文范文 第四十五篇











热门标签: 夏天 英语






进入小学的小朋友,慢慢地会接触各种各样的作文类型,说起其中的写景作文,不少同学“谈景色变”,但这又是小学作文训练的基本功之一,必须掌握。i乐德范文网为大家提供《六年级写景优秀作文450字【五篇】》,欢迎阅读。【篇一】六年级写景优秀作文450字  一年中有四

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写景作文如同一幅优美的风景画,不同的是画家用的是色彩,而我们用的是文字。i乐德范文网为大家提供《六年级写景的作文300字【八篇】》,欢迎阅读。【篇一】六年级写景的作文300字  今天早上雾姑娘来到了人间。  雾姑娘是一位温柔恬静的少女,文雅而美丽。打开窗子

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写景就是描写景物类,基本上属记叙的一种。在写景的文章中,情是景的灵魂,景是情的依托,情与景自然交融,才能写出好文章来。下面i乐德范文网为你带来写景的作文200字三年级,希望同学们喜欢。【篇一】我爱故乡五莲山  在老家,有一座远近闻名的山,那就是五莲山。  

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写景作文,把日常看见的自然景观或者人文景观,通过文字的方式记录下来。i乐德范文网为大家提供《小学三年级写景作文300字【八篇】》,欢迎阅读。【篇一】小学三年级写景作文300字  春天来了,百花盛开,姹紫嫣红;小树戴上了绿色的帽子,穿上了棕色的衣服;小草从泥

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写景作文如何写,不管是春夏秋冬,不论是鸟语花香,对于学生们来讲,老师一定让同学们写过关于景物的作文。那么当你遇到写景的作文时,要如何书写呢?i乐德范文网为大家提供《六年级写景作文300字【七篇】》,欢迎阅读。【篇一】六年级写景作文300字  一个晴朗的傍晚

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