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英语作文如何保持安全范文 第一篇

As agers, we should always keep safety in mind, but how can we ensure safety? First of all, some of my suggestions are that you must be careful of the people you want to make, especially your online friends. Not all the people around you are friendly to you. If you are in er, you should call the police for help as soon as possible, because you should be protected before being hurt by bad people.

It is very important for us to eat healthy and safe food and not to eat the last deteriorated food, but it is also important Yes, we should pay more attention to traffic. We are not allowed to swim in the river or swim outside without permission.


英语作文如何保持安全范文 第二篇

How to keep safe as agers, we should always keep safety in mind, but how can we keep it safe? First of all, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on the Internet. Second, if we are in er, we must call the police in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. We should eat healthy and safe food In the end, it will do harm to our health, but equally important, summer is coming.

We must remember that swimming in the river is erous. In short, safety comes first.


英语作文如何保持安全范文 第三篇

Many people are injured or killed in traffic accidents every year. It is reported that many accidents are caused by people violating traffic rules, so it is necessary for everyone to keep in mind the traffic rules and strictly abide by them. When a person is crossing the road, he should walk on the crosswalk, underpass or footbridge.

If riding a bicycle or motorcycle, when the red light is on, please continue to drive on the right side of the road. Please stop until the green light is on. If someone wants to turn or stop, give them a sign.

Let the children know that it is very erous to play on the road. It's always a good thing to help old people and children cross the road. If everyone follows the traffic rules, it will be safer to walk or cycle on the road.






英语作文如何保持安全范文 第四篇

We should keep safe, so we shouldn't play erous s. We should pay attention to road safety and how to use fire and electricity safely. In my opinion, first of all, we should keep healthy, so we should eat three healthy meals and get enough sleep.

How can we live a happy life? We should face difficulties happily and try to solve the problem that we should love the world and the people around us. Secondly, we should do enough exercise every day. Thirdly, we should keep away from drugs and smoking It's important for us to get along with others and keep in good condition.

How to live a happy life is very important for us, but as a student.



英语作文如何保持安全范文 第五篇

How to keep healthy is a good question. Now let me tell you the answer: you'd better exercise every day and eat more vegetables and fruits. Can you sleep well? That's not good, because if you don't sleep well, you'll feel tired all day, sleep nine hours, you'll have a strong body, and remember: eat less meat and you'd better not eat junk food, please eat healthy food every day.

These are good lifestyle, I believe that good lifestyle will keep you healthy.











热门标签: 英语 范文






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