
更新时间:2023-11-28 14:50:59 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


Dear editor, I am wting this letter to apply for the dissemination and translation of the articles in saines' book. As a loyal fan of the works of Zhongtu and JRR torkins fm China, I am eager to learn about China and contbute to the long-term communication. I have always appreciated the enthusia and pfessionali of yo website.

Yo wonderful works have greatly inspired me, so I would like to very much With my fends and colleagues, I plan to translate the entes, forms and pictes of yo website into Chinese and set up a Chinese version of the book. I beli that we will pvide Chinese readers with a way to appreciate and appreciate yo wisdom and achiments: I pmise that all articles will be used only for public welfare, not for the forwarders themselves. Anyone who wants to read can visit the website for free.

Copyght will be respected and ptected, articles will not be tampered with, we learned fm Tolkien, n a all potato can make a great contbution, I hope I can work with my excellent team to complete this great task, to pvide information for Tolkien fans, please consider my application, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate, sincerely Contact me.



Dear Sir or Madam:

Thank you for taking your time to read my letter. As the coming of the 20_ Beijing Olympic Games, Id like very much to be a volunteer.

All our Chinese are hosts for this special event. Above all, I promise I should endeavor to serve with enthusiasm our distinguished guests and athletes from all over the world. Besides, I have a rich knowledge about Chinese history, so I will be not only a servant but also a carrier for our splendid culture. Whats more, as we all know, English as an international language, will play an important role in communication during Olympics, and I am good at it. I can express myself fluently and clearly in English.

To sum up, I believe I can be a qualified volunteer. I will value it and do all I can if I could be accepted to be one.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m lihua from class one,senior two. I am wring to apply for the opportunity to help the students in chenxin Hope School with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along well the students and benefit the whole school.

I' kind, easy-going and always ready to help others. I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence. English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests. So I think that I am qualified for the position.

I plan to communicate with students first to know what they need. Besides,I'l try to get them more interested in English by telling stories, singing songs,playing games and so on.

I' appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.

Yours Sincerely,

Li hua


Respect me, host: Hello, I am a fresh graduate fm the Internet, the company needs to recruit XX, we apply for XX class xx XX's fresh graduates, studying the application of XX major, since I entered the school in X, XXX, I have studied pfessional coses with excellent results, inspired me to chesh ry opportunity of expemental operation arranged by the school, and on the basis of constantly strenening the requirements of their own skills, I am cheerful and lively, positive thinking makes my life ch and colorful, I actively participate in vaous community activities, recoize that I have gained a lot fm my real investment, which has fully trained my oral communication ability, mament ability and thinking ability of yzing and solving pblems. In addition, I also actively participate in vaous social activities, seize ry opportunity to exercise myself, I am deeply gratified to work with excellent students, so that I benefit fm the difficulties of challenging the reality in the competition, let my grandparents who gw up in frustration teach me diligence, responsibility, kindness and integty. XX has cultivated my practical and enterpsing style, and I love the business of yo company We sincerely look forward to yo leadership and try o best to learn and make pgress for this gloous cse and in practice.

Thugh understanding and stct company mament , we will stve for love and enthusia for my work with the goal of impving the operation efficiency of the enterpse. We sincerely hope that I can dlop into a larger company. As a force, we sincerely look forward to meeting you You can inform me of the interview time in the following ways, and solemnly put forward a all request to me: whether you choose me or not, respect the leadership, I hope yo company can accept my sincere thanks.


尊重我主持人:你好,我我来自互联网上应届毕业生,公司需要招聘XX,我们应聘是XX班XX XX应届毕业生,学是XX专业应用,自XXXX年X月入校以来,我以优异成绩学习专业课程,激励我珍惜学校安排每一个实验作机会,在不断加强对自己技能要求基上,格开朗活泼,积极向上思想使我生活丰富多彩,我积极参加各种社团活动,认真投入换来了很多收获,充分锻炼了我口语交际能力、能力和分析解决问题思维能力。此外,我还积极参加各种社会活动,抓住每一次锻炼自己机会我深感欣,与优秀同学们共同努力,使我受益于在竞争中现实困难,让我在挫折中成长奶奶教会我勤奋、责任、善良、正直XX培养了我实事求是、开拓进取作风我热爱贵公司业务,真诚期待您,竭尽所能,为这一光荣事业和在实践中,不断学习进步,通过了解,严格公司制度,以提高企业经营效率为目标,为我工作争取更多爱心和热情,真诚地希望我能发展成为一个更大公司作为一种力量,真诚地期待着与您见面,您可以通过以下方式我面试时间,并郑重地向我提出一个小小要求:无论您是否选择我,尊重,希望贵单位企业能接受我诚挚感谢。








热门标签: 英语 范文







实用范文 2023-06-20



实用范文 2023-06-20



实用范文 2023-06-20


道歉信是要向对方陈述无法答应的所请所托的原因,对不愿为的事,可声明自己的一贯主张,对不能为的请托,更应陈述理由,说明自己为什么不能为。以下是小编整理的给客户的道歉信11篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。【篇1】给客户的道歉信  尊敬的上海XX的会员朋友:  

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实用范文 2023-06-20