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关于学习书法好处英语范文 第一篇

The ability to communicate effectively is necessary to convey an organization's ideas and vision to people. Without communication, there is no way to express ideas, ideas and feelings. There are many ways to provide communication from the organization to people in your community, whether through telephone, fax, email, mail, website, instant messaging software, social networking sites (Facebook, twitter, mysp) Exchanges such as ace are essential because we use it to build networks, spread ideas, and promote it.

For example, it clarifies misunderstandings between individuals and / or the workplace, brings better income to the organization, and makes the public aware of problems.


关于学习书法好处英语范文 第二篇

In the impact of the wave of modernization, the Internet instead of books, a keyboard instead of a pen, which we have neglected the likelihood of calligraphy,

the essence of years of Chinese culture can not be buried, calligraphy is a national heritage that we should carry forward to.

Calligraphy styles to reflect the character of a person, who is also a face.

Calligraphy of a person can show a history of growing up.

Our face should not be abandoned to the cultural arm themselves!





关于学习书法好处英语范文 第三篇

Writing, that is to say,just as the painting,which can be apreciated or critized .

If you want to have such a good writing ,you must practise everyday,and you have better to immitate by the good writing ,which can improve your writing effectively.

As for me,I think it is very important that you have some interest about it .

This will make you train yourself willingly.

As far as I am concered ,I like writing just as my teacher ,there was a time ,when I just a junior school stduent ,my teacher said ,

good writing is helpful for us ,especially in the exam,the same question ,because of good writing ,which can get more.

So ,when you start to improve it ,you shuoud have a goal or intest.

关于学习书法好处英语范文 第四篇

Chinese characters are the essence of China's culture. In addition to meeting the needs of daily writing, calligraphy has developed into a special art of high quality. For thousands of years, if China's shops are rich in commercial culture, it will be elegant if they decorate some ancient cultural calligraphy works.

The study and bedroom can be decorated as an art work. Calligraphy is special, and Chinese characters are written. On rice , it's good to absorb ink and hang it on the wall.



关于学习书法好处英语范文 第五篇

(the importance of fresh air) no air means death. Although we can't see it, air is everywhere. It gives life to every living creature.

Without it, we can't live. Bad air makes people sick. We must have fresh air to keep us healthy.

There are many people in the city and there are too many cars on the road. Cars paved with gasoline are filled with poisonous gas every day. Besides so many cars, there are many factories.

The smoke coming out of the chimneys of these factories is usually black or gray. When it is mixed with the air, it is erous for our health. Because the smoke contains a lot of toxic soil and gas, in order to keep healthy, we must We need to go to the countryside for fresh air, or we can go up to the mountains for more fresh air.



标签: 新学期








热门标签: 书法 英语






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