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介绍涿州职教中心英文范文 第一篇

My mother my mother is very beautiful. How old is she this year? She is of medium build and has beautiful long black hair. She is a nurse.

She works in a hospital in my hometown. She is very popular in the hospital. She is very kind.

She is always helpful. I love my mother.




介绍涿州职教中心英文范文 第二篇

In the afternoon, you can see a lot of books in the school library, which you can borrow from our school library. You can also find a lot of books in our school library Some students play tennis. All the playgrounds are like this.

Our school is a model school in Jiangsu Province. I like my school very much. This is my new school, covering an area of mu, with a river, a river, a flow around the clock.

It's so beautiful. You almost forget what to do. If you go further, you will see a big flower bed full of all kinds of flowers.

There is also a high-rise building filled with high-tech equipment, which makes our study more convenient and convenient. Along the left side of the Bush, there is our can. Every day there are cooks to provide us with delicious food to keep us healthy.

If you are lucky, you will see the birds raised by students and teachers together. They are always flying freely in the sky. This is my new beautiful school choice http://wwwohcom/a//htmlThis It's my school.

It's such a big and beautiful school classroom Spacious, also very clean, our teachers are very friendly to us, our school is opposite the stationery shop, our school learning environment is very good, we study in school very happy, I love my school.



介绍涿州职教中心英文范文 第三篇

A university degree is indispensable in today's world, because four years of college education requires a lot of time, energy and money. Many high school graduates decide not to go to college. They immediately enter the job, or decide to go to vocational schools or vocational schools instead of universities.

This is a very necessary university degree. Despite the cost and delay of labor input, I firmly believe that University education is necessary and desirable in today's world. One of the main reasons for going to university is that during the four years or more of University, University provides the necessary academic background for career.

Students have time and resources to explore many different fields such as humanities, social sciences, science, as well as professional fields such as business and engineering. They can participate in various academic courses to provide important background for a specific career. The second important argument about the value of university is that people with a university degree have better job opportunities and higher income level than those with only high school or vocational education.

Therefore, university means better quality of life. Job opportunities and starting salary are usually good university degrees, while the employment prospects may not be so optimistic. Those with only high school diploma usually have higher income level It is beneficial for our social progress to provide labor with certain knowledge and skills.

Students in the University for more than four years to exercise their thinking, develop strategies to deal with difficult problems, they are likely to a lot of skills and strategies after graduation, these skills and strategies can be tranerred to the future life, whether in work or in personal life, which will definitely contribute to the progress of the world. In short, there are many good arguments for the value of university education. Moreover, the benefits far outweigh the problems and costs.

I firmly believe that everyone who wants a bright future should go to university.





标签: 新学期

介绍涿州职教中心英文范文 第四篇

Dear sir, in response to your advertisement in Qinnan daily, I am 20 years old. I am about to graduate from vocational school and major in business management. I have studied English for more than eight years.

In the past three years, I am familiar with computer operation. I am one of the editors of our student news http://wwwadreepcn/gz/html.


介绍涿州职教中心英文范文 第五篇














热门标签: 英文






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