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给老师讲话的范文英语 第一篇

Dear Teacher:

I’m glad to be your student, and I am very happy to learn the course I like best under your help.

English is an important tool, through which we can share it with the world. I treasure the chance of learning English, and I enjoy the happiness from this course.

This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. On this special day, I want to express my deepest thanks to you!

Yours sincerely,


给老师讲话的范文英语 第二篇

When teachers know how students react to their teaching methods, as teachers, they can make some adjustments to do better in the following aspects. Of course, they will think that their teaching is very good, but for most students, they will think that what the teacher said is boring. Therefore, only when students respond to the teacher, can the teacher know that they need to make some changes.



给老师讲话的范文英语 第三篇

_To learn and do constantly changing filar silk silkworm as lulu lit candles road._ For thousands of years, many people take teachers, candles, compared to the silkworm in her work wholeheartedly, dedication, and how many flowers of the country become kyushu huaxia of men! Who can know, it contains many sweat and tears, maybe the teacher that filar silk hair and wrinkles are the best witness scabbers.

Don't know is which blossom, quietly, quietly, we - the 21st century's successor came to earth, slowly, slowly at school age, and badgering dad wanted to go to school. We will never forget that the first time of life, it is how happy and happy. The teacher is kind, gentle smile words like gay notes produced wonderful music, let us out.

So, the teacher in our hearts to sow happy fire, campus, we always rang the bright sound. That is what kind of happiness! Hence, we all feel the love and joy for teachers. The teacher always hopes all in our body. It pains in the cultivation of our teacher, difficult way love to teach us how to behave, how to play. When we feel the charm, their knowledge in that: the classmates, don't forget to endeavour ah, When we study, when they fail in encouraging start from here: success, When we are sad, their classmates in comfort: cheer up! How many unforgettable days! Is your honored teacher, let us learn how to face the difficulty, how to live, how to cherish the happy feeling, and how to self development. You will not only bring us in knowledge sea roam, more important is to learn to teach our gratitude to others. The dribs and drabs, the scene of our life is beautiful, also have wonderful ornament to consolidate our memory eternally.

Although we just round the sun rising, we should also learn to release, with warm for teachers of gratitude to think, act, after all, the teacher for our pay too much. At this moment, I represent all the students, we respect teacher say: teacher, you were laborious.

Dear teacher, because had you, our world will become so beautiful, chaos, just have the guiding beacon, confusion, the sky is the eternal dipper. Your shoulder the holy mission, you shouldering the future of our motherland, shouldering the nation's prosperity, you, your shoulder historical task, so that the young generation in your caress healthy growth, in your great attention to the next.

Because of you, and have a special holiday, teacher's day. Since then, the society is more a deep respect and concern for you, we see and feel your greatness and ordinary. Your greatness lies in the world, create future, you are sowing lit the fire of our ideal, excellent quality guarantee is the national future, Your offer is ordinary, but no regrets, the heart extraneous. You may not have displaced from, because you deeply understand yourself in what, in the harvest, this is any Numbers are not calculated the value of life and happiness. _Hold a heart, don't take half a straw to_ this is our teacher mood true portraiture. dear teacher, I take you to your leaves, I praise, and not to red candle of your dedication and achievements! You are not in green leaves nourish, you are not red candle can within the mind, because in our eyes, the mapping is always your figure. You put our lives each note, all into the world most beautiful colors. From now on, our heart is like sea. I really want to take out its blessings, and clusters of firecrackers, with flowery flame for our teacher heart sings a song. Sincerely wish happiness in the happiness, teacher.

At this time, I really want to loudly say to the classmates: when we embrace the success, enjoy the pleasure, don't forget our teacher gave her youth and sweat, we have no reason not to Thanksgiving teacher.

Finally, we sincerely say: _thank you!_

给老师讲话的范文英语 第四篇

now i am a junior student, and i like studying, my not best in our class, but i still think i am a good student. my teacher think also!

can you imagine how difficult i will, when i meet a problem in english, and i am not perfect one in my class, i do not like english at the very beginning for i know nothing about english which is only task from school and my parents, i am not good boy at that time.

but, you know, i am really want learn something now, i want keep up with the so-called mainstream, i want to be a good student. can you imagine how difficult when i face the simple english, i just know nothing. however, in this most difficult and key moment , english teacher ms x come to me, she understand me i suppose, she pay much more time in this english poor level boy, i want to say thank you my teacher.

now i am not good yet in english, but i am keep going, believe me!

给老师讲话的范文英语 第五篇

Dear leaders, dear parents, friends and teachers

hello everyone!

It's teacher's day again. This year is the XX teacher's day. First of all, on behalf of all kindergarten teachers, I would like to pay high respect to the leaders who care and support us! Thanks to the parents and friends who support the kindergarten work! Next, I would like to wish all our teachers _happy holidays!_

Teachers are often compared to gardeners, which is true. It's very hard and tiring to be a teacher, especially a kindergarten teacher. Preschool education is a patient, lasting and arduous project, which means responsibility, sweat and cooperation. No one can succeed without hard work, no one can succeed without the cooperation of parents. In today's social background of paying attention to education, parents' requirements are higher and higher, and children's personality is stronger and stronger, it is difficult to be a good teacher. Only when our teachers constantly accept challenges, constantly improve our service attitude and correct our work attitude, can they win the trust of parents. Only with sincere devotion can we win the love of children.

Last semester, teachers have paid hard work, but also won the trust of the vast majority of parents. So in this semester to expand the source of students. Achievement can not be achieved without the concern of the leadership and the support of parents. Of course, there are also many shortcomings in our work. For example, we can do more detailed conservation work, and we need to constantly learn and improve education. Now, we are entering the golden autumn of September again, facing a new semester, a new starting point, a new challenge and a new hope. When I signed up, when I saw the expectant eyes of parents, the innocent eyes of children, the cadres of Zhugang and the farmers nearby trusting to give the children's hands to us, I felt that I had a long way to go. Children are the core of every family, kindergarten is related to thousands of families, kindergarten is one of the rear areas of prison work. Only by doing a good job in kindergarten, can we work safely and steadily. In the days to come, we will grow up with our children. If we pay hard, the children's return is heavy. In the new school year's work, we do not seek earth shaking, only ordinary without regret; I don't want to be fruitful, I just want to have a clear conscience; Do not seek to turn stone into gold, but to turn spring breeze into rain; Don't ask for peach and plum all over the world, just want to laugh all over the garden!

Early childhood education is inseparable from the cooperation of parents. Therefore, when guiding children, parents should treat them equally and be reasonable. They should avoid over doting, scolding, abandoning or over nagging. In the relationship between teachers and students, to guide children to respect teachers, do not use teachers to scare children. At the same time, I hope parents and friends can give us more valuable opinions on our work.

Early childhood education is also inseparable from the concern of prison leaders. In the first half of the year, kindergartens were merged. The prison gave great support to the kindergarten. Each classroom is equipped with air conditioning, and the floor of small class is renovated this semester. Next, the kindergarten plans to pave two lawns with plastic floor mats, and add a set of large children's outdoor toys to continuously improve the environment. I believe that prison leaders will continue to give support.

In fact, kindergarten is like a big family, with teachers, children and parents. With the strong support of prison leaders, as long as we all unite and work together, our kindergarten will be better and better day by day!

Finally, I sincerely wish everyone here good health, smooth work, happy life and happy holidays!

Thank you.

给老师讲话的范文英语 第六篇

(my future is not a dream) last semester, I was very poor in math. I felt very sad. During the winter vacation, my parents were worried about me.

The head teacher came to see us and talked to my parents about my future. The teacher said that although I am not good at math, I am good at basketball. My PE teacher said that if I work hard, I will become a promising basketball player in the future.

They encouraged me to study hard in order to become an educated sportsman. Now I know exactly what kind of person I will be. _I will never lose heart, I will try my best to catch up with my classmates in mathematics._ now, with the help of my teacher, I have made progress in every subject.

I'm sure my future is not a dream.











热门标签: 英语 范文 讲话






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