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欢迎各路神仙投稿范文英语 第一篇

Welcome to CHINA, Welcome to SHENZHEN

Please sit back and relax, Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus,so you do not have to worry about it.

Let me introduce my team first. Mr x is our driver,He has 20years of driving underhis belt, so we are in very safe hands. I always call my English name is ,my Chinese name is ,you may call me or Mr, which is my family name. we are from SHENZHEN OVERSEAS INTERNATIONAL TRAVE SERVICE,On behalf of and my colleagues, I ’d like to extend a warm welcome to you all.

During your stay in our city, I will be you local guide, I will do everything possible to make your visit a pleasant you have any problems or requests,Pls do not hesitate to let me know.

you are going to stay at the Crown plaza hotel, a luxurious ,five star hotel, Althouth the hotel is not exactly in downtown SHENZHEN, it is strategically located with easy access to many tourist attractions. As you will be staying in our city for two days, you will do well to remember the number of our bus and my Phone NO., the bus NO. is ,my phone . let me repeat....

There is one thing I must warn you against, You must not drink an tap water in the hotel, because un boiled water might make you ill.

I do hope you will enjoy your time in our city.

欢迎各路神仙投稿范文英语 第二篇

Dear Andrew,

How are you, my best friend Andrew? It is pleasured that you invited me to pay a visit to your home. But I am very sorry that I can’t accept your invitation because I have a very important competition which I must to take part in.

It is a competition of English play, which is hold once two years and will need a month to practice, is very valuable for me. So,I must take part in which I don’t want to miss the opportunity. Sorry, I believe you can understand me right?

Last, I want to give you a present that a CD about the hundredth anniversary of my school. It is too much fun in it and I hold you will be like. I promise you that I will accept your next invitation and bring some presents which you like.

Good Luck From Your Friend

Xiao xin

欢迎各路神仙投稿范文英语 第三篇


Welcome to name is Liujingzhen,a tour guide of Happy Jurney driver is Mr Li,and the car we take is a East branded,white coloured,with the number pay your good attention to ’m glad to serve as your guide allow me to express our hornest greetings to all of you on behalf of our keep your body-baggage in good care and be ready for getting on.(in the car),Now it’s 8:00 sharp,January 7th, the new year’s happy atmosphere,I hope we can have a enjoyable holiday have to remind you that the weather in the north is very cold ,so please keep yourselves warm enough.

Let me say something about our trip. Hebei is situated at the north of the lower reaches of Huanghe River (Yellow River). Its capital is the Spring and Autumn Period, because the Kingdom of Yan dominated its northern area, while the Kingdom of Zhao occupied its southern area, Hebei was called The Land of Yan and Zhao.

Now we are going to Zhangjiakou,it located in the northwest of Hebei, 1990 kilometers away from Beijing, is the border area of are 4 districts and 13 counties under the administration of the government,Zhangjiakou has a long history and there are many cultural relics and places of historic interests,which are kept as witness of history,telling us stories that once happened in this old land.(get off) Ok,we arrive at our destination take all your baggages,we are going to get is easy,we have enough you please give a second look to the car we take :East branded,white coloured.

Now this is Dajingmen Gate,it locates in the nouthern part of mountains named Eastern and Western peace stand facing each other..In 1927,when general Gao Weiyue,the superior of Chahaer mounted it ,impressed by the plains and mountains,he wrote down such words:大好河山.These four words is of great strength,in compliance with Dajingmen.

Dajingmen Gate witnessed the prosperity and downfall of the frontier tea-horse trade in the Ming Dynasty. It also made merchants both home and abroad gather in the leather metropolis, . It became an important commercial pass because of the well-known leather, lamb and dried mushroom.. In 1673,the twelfth year of Kangxi,emperor of the Qing,Wu Sangui the leading of the emperor Kangxi,thousands of brave Qing soldiers outside the Great Wall crossed Dajingmen Gate in force and marched southward,making a foundamental contribution to the repression of the “Three Region Rebellion”.Shortly after that,Ge erdan,chief of a northern tribe,led his army to invade and disturb southward for several times,making a substantial loss to the business between Zhangjiakou and Kulun,which is Wulanbatuo the eight business men who had provided the Qing with consistant arms and surplies before and after Qing’s crossing of the Great Wall,and therefore were granted great honor,wrote to emperor Kangxi,asking for a suppression.

The emperor had the idea to suppress them long before,so in the year1697,he led punitive expedition against Ge erdan in person for the third main troop acrossed the very place: Dajingmen Gate,and marched local people gave a warm farewell to the army and served a good this war ended with the chief’s the suggestion of the local people when heard the happy news,a Literator called Zhang Zicheng wrote down some words:内外一统,which means all around China they carved it on a piece of flat now,although300yesrs has gone,it remains legible and in a good condition after so many years of corrosion of wind and embodies Chinese people’s desire for unity of country and peace of living.

Till now,our visit of Dajingmen Gate is going to be today’s visit bring yousatisfaction and enjoyment.

Ladies and Gentlemen:now we are on the way to the this departure time,I appreciate deeply our we only have spent less than five days together,we have visited Chengde Summer Resort and East Mausoleum of Qing,appreciated the beautiful sight of Baishang grassland,watched the excellent performance and tasted the local flavour.

We can say that,this is a successful and enjoyable experience,also the fruit of our efforts and Li and I had the chance of taking part in this meaningful and memmerable sincerely for your help during our tour and wish you all happiness in the travel of life.

欢迎各路神仙投稿范文英语 第四篇

Dear Jenny,

I do not need to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me these days and how grateful I am for the comfort and understanding you gave me when I needed them so desperately.

No one knows better than you how important my mother meant to me and what an aching void my life has become without her. But I am trying to take your advice and I hope that returning to my work next week will help heal the sorrow

I really do not know what I would have been without you. Thank you again for everything you have done for me!



欢迎各路神仙投稿范文英语 第五篇

Dear Tom,

How are you doing? How time flies! I have been back to China for half a year. I miss you so much!

Every time I catch sight of our photos taken in America, I can’t help thinking of what you have done for me. It was so kind of you to help me with my spoken English. Besides, you made me master a lot of advanced English grammar, which really surprised me. What’s more, I shall always remember you encouraged me to correct my pronunciation by enjoying American TV programs.

By the way, Could you please tell me how can I get in touch with Mr. Smith? I have some learning problems to ask him.

Besides, I know you are interested in the historical Chinese civilization. Why not come to China to enjoy the Spring festival? I promise you won’t regret!

Looking forward to your reply!

Yours truly,









热门标签: 英语 范文






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