
更新时间:2024-02-26 09:37:43 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

e-mail英文格式范文 第一篇

What's the difference between regular mail and e-mail? We know that regular mail has been used for thousands of years, which is inconvenient because it takes a long time to get it. In addition, it costs some money, and e-mail is very convenient, you only need a few seconds to reach the recipient, and it can be sent free of charge, so more and more people use e-mail instead of ordinary mail. Some people think that it will replace ordinary mail.

In my opinion, e-mail will become more and more popular in the future, but it can't replace ordinary mail because it can't be sent It's very convenient to have something to send a letter, but in addition to the letter, we sometimes want to send other things to our friends, and these things can't be sent by e-mail, so we can come to the conclusion that e-mail can't replace ordinary mail. People will send letters by e-mail and send other things by regular mail.



标签: 新学期

e-mail英文格式范文 第二篇

My dear Li Hong, next Monday is my birthday. I will hold a birthday party at home in the evening. will you I also invited some of our classmates and some of my friends.

I live in Guangming Road. You can get off at the top of Guangming Road without bus or bus, and then walk left to the subway station, a red house and a white house. You can't miss it.

I really hope you can come forever.



e-mail英文格式范文 第三篇

Dear sir, I am a senior high school student. I would like to buy a pharmacopoeia to help me study. If I have such a dictionary, I believe I can always find what I need in it.

But I don't know which one is better for me to use. I understand that your company has a ready-made position on hand. Can you give me some suggestions and choose a suitable one.

What I want is at least enough Chinese and English words and phrases to meet my needs. In addition, I am just a student now, you know, if you can provide one for me, the price must meet my payment ability, please tell me the payment method and arrival time, once I receive your message, I will contact you in time.




e-mail英文格式范文 第四篇

_Alice, e-mail is an invalid way of congratulation for many reasons. First, e-mail lacks the ability to convey emotions, so it may be misunderstood as sarcasm; second, e-mail is too formal, but it is not as sincere as a letter or phone call. E-mail is easy to lose and buried under hundreds of emails.

At the end of hundreds of spam, e-mail lacks effort And it's very . _.



e-mail英文格式范文 第五篇

My dear, congratulations on receiving the good news from my colleagues and managers. I am very glad that your work in the field of marketing has been recognized in this way. We would like to extend our best wishes to you and wish you to continue to move forward as you have worked with you for five years.

Many of us are well aware of your contribution to the relationship between our two companies, and we are looking forward to your next month's We will again celebrate your promotion in a more formal way. Congratulations, Mr. Haskell.

Good luck and best wishes to you in your new position as director of marketing. To (signature) Lin Daming, marketing director, Beijing new metal.



e-mail英文格式范文 第六篇

E-mail is e-mail, e-mail or e-mail means to send or receive information. E-mail was invented by ray Tomlinson. He is a computer engineer.

In recent years, the first message is sent between two computers sitting together. It has become the most widely used Internet application in today's era Most business people, governments and education departments prefer to use e-mail, which is also known as snail mail, to communicate with their colleagues. E-mail has played a great role in the development of the Internet, because it connects family and friends scattered all over the world, because e-mail has become an image, sending tasks and receiving information become very easy.









热门标签: 格式 英文







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