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招领启事英语范文20词 第一篇

when i came to school this morning, i found an oxford dictionary, which is the sixth printing on the ground of school gate. i was afraid it would be demaged if nobody piched it up. and i stood there for a while seeing no one intended to pick it up. therefore, i took it to my dormitory. the dictionary is brand new. it has a note in the middle of the book where i saw a poem----saying good-bye to cambridge again written in chinese on the pa-pe-r.


if its owner sees this, please contact me after the school time or just go to my dormitory. my number is 13698965421 and room number is 612.



march 11th, 20_


招领启事英语范文20词 第二篇

Dear loser: I left my schoolbag out of the classroom last Saturday. There is a pan, a book, a pencil, a watch and an umbrella. You found a red bag in the classroom.

Please call me as soon as possible. I need it very much. This is very important to me.



招领启事英语范文20词 第三篇

happiness of this state by this one thing - viz. that this was the state of life which all other people envied; that kings have frequently lamented the miserable consequence of being born to great things, and wished they had been placed in the middle of the two extremes, between the mean and the great; that the wise man gave his testimony to this, as the standard of felicity, when he prayed to have neither poverty nor riches. Contesta las siguientes preguntas de comprensión

招领启事英语范文20词 第四篇

Dear Manager,/Dear Sir or Madam,I stayed in Room608 in your hotel on the 10th of August.


Could you please check your Lost and Founddepartment and see if my bag is there?


The bag is a small black, leather document case.


Inside it, you will find several business cards and a photo of Miss Lin Daiyu.


These things are not very valuable in money terms, but they have a lot of personal value.这些东西不值什么钱,但很有私人价值。

I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible.


If you could send the bag to me by EMS, I would be most grateful.


Thank you for your help.


Yours cordially,


Li Ming.

招领启事英语范文20词 第五篇

I was careless to lose December. I lost a bag in the restaurant on the afternoon of this month. There were two textbooks, a dictionary and other things in it.

Please find my person to send it to the monitor of junior high school, or send it to me. Thank you, teacher.



招领启事英语范文20词 第六篇

The happiness of this state comes from one thing, that is, it is a state of life envied by all others, because the king often laments the tragic consequences of the birth of great things, and hopes that they will be placed in the middle of two extremes, between the mean and the great, as the wise man has proved, as felicity's standard, when he prays that there is neither poverty nor wealth, There's going to be a presentas .



标签: 新学期

招领启事英语范文20词 第七篇

When I came to school this morning, I found an Oxford dictionary. It was the sixth print on the ground of the school gate. I was afraid that no one would pick it up.

I just stood there for a while. No one was going to pick it up. I took it to my dormitory.

The dictionary was brand new. There was a note in the middle of the book. I saw a poem written in Chinese to say goodbye to Cambridge.

If its owner saw this, please contact me after school or go to my dormitory directly. My number is Lee March th,.


今天早上我来学校的时候,发现了一本牛津词典,这是校门地上的第六本印刷品。我怕没人把它捡起来,我就站在那里一会儿,见没人打算把它捡起来,我把它带到我的宿舍字典是全新的它在书的中间有一个注释,我看到一首用中文写的告别剑桥的诗如果它的主人看到这个,请在放学后联系我,或者直接去我的宿舍我的号码是,房间号是LeeMarch th,。

招领启事英语范文20词 第八篇

Lost I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month. Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycle keys, books and a dictionary. Whoever happened to pick up the schoolbag, please kindly contact me at the following address: Class 4202. Thank you very much for your attention! June 9th, 20_

这个月8号下午我在操场上 遗失了我的书包。 在我的书包里有我的自行车钥匙,书和一本字典。 无论谁碰巧捡起书包,请按以下地址与我联系:4202班,非常感谢你的关注

招领启事英语范文20词 第九篇

On the evening of January 4, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading room on the third floor of the new library in the East District of our school. The electronic dictionary can be roughly described as follows: it is brand-new metal gray or something. The portable electronic dictionary has a big cake and is as thin as an ordinary magazine.

The owner of the electronic dictionary can contact me now. My room phone number and mobile phone number are XXX and XXX respectively. Please make an appointment in advance.



招领启事英语范文20词 第十篇

this afternoon, i found a handbag in the playground. there is a pen, a notebook and keys in it. besides, there is a wallet with credit cards and some money in it. my telephone number is 4756333. please the owner contact me.


招领启事英语范文20词 第十一篇

At 9:30 . this Saturday, SUE carelessly lost her English notebook when she went to school by bus. The natebook is an old one, orange color and its cover is made of leather. And Sue's name is written on the label. Inside the natebook are a lot of handwritten English words. This notebook is very important for SUE,it could help SUE with her English. Will the finder contact with Sue, please? Her telephone number is 8725364. Many thanks to the finder from Sue.









热门标签: 启事 英语 范文






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