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高考人机对话口语范文 第一篇

Now China has entered WTO, so English is more important to us students than before. Since English isn’t my native language, I have much trouble in learning it. Spoken English and listening comprehension are always difficult to me. So I should practice my English every day. First, I will try my best to find every chance to communicate with people who speak English, and read more as often as I can. Second, I should learn English by means of television or radio. And third, I will read more books and magazines written in English. I believe if I follow the outlines above, I can learn my English well.

高考人机对话口语范文 第二篇

More and more people today choose to eat in restaurants rather than at home. First eating in restaurants, we have a wide selection of food. Some dishes are too complicated to prepare at home. Second, in restaurants, we can relieve ourselves from hard work. To prepare a good meal at home is by no means an easy job. It involves buying good food from the market, washing, cooking and washing dishes etc. However, when we eat in restaurants, all the trouble is gone. Finally, when we dine in restaurants, we dine like a king or queen, while at home, we have to do everything on our own.

高考人机对话口语范文 第三篇

As all know, the 20_ Expo will be held in Shanghai. It will have a significant effect on the future of China. As a result, we should do something for the Expo. First, we should study hard, especially learning English well. In 20_, a great number of people all over the world will come to China. If we learn English well, we can understand and communicate with the foreigners more easily and it helps us to be closer to them. Second, we should pay attention to our environment to keep our country beautiful. So it can leave a deep impression on the foreigners. I’m sure that the Expo to be held in Beijing will be successful.

高考人机对话口语范文 第四篇

We can get much information from all kinds of books. For example, you can learn how to do some cooking from the books on cooking. Of course, we can cook delicious food with the help of books. If we want to go traveling, but we have no time, then we can buy a book on travel first. In a word, books can help us to search and study all the things we want to learn. A good book gives us many useful things just as a friend does. We should remember the proverb, “Books, like friend, should be few and well chosen.” During the time we are growing up, books are always our best friends. I like reading books.

高考人机对话口语范文 第五篇

English is an international language and it has many speakers. English plays a very important part in our life. To take the Internet for an example, most of the information appears in English, so if you don’t know English, how can you find the information you need? Also, in our daily life, many newspapers and magazines are written in English, and books included. If we don’t know English, we will be at a loss for any information, and we will lose our best friends----books. Also, international meetings and businesses need English as a communication. From the above, we can see English is really very important and that’s why we need to learn it well.

高考人机对话口语范文 第六篇

In my spare time, I always play table tennis. That is my favorite sport. When I was young, I used to be in poor health. I still remember my father took me to the stadium to learn how to play table tennis for the first time. Since then, I have been fond of it. Now I often play with my classmates after class. I like playing table tennis because it takes a little room and it is also exciting like football, basketball and so on. By playing table tennis with my classmates, we build up our health and become stronger so that we can study well. Though I am still not very good at it, I like it.

高考人机对话口语范文 第七篇

Compared with living in the city, I prefer to live in the country. Several reasons can support my opinion. First, with the development of industry, the city has been seriously polluted. Air pollution and water pollution make our daily life more and more uncomfortable, and it will do harm to our health. Secondly, living in the country provides a better sight. The green tree, grasses and large fields make the country much more beautiful and the air much fresher. So I like living in the country instead of living in the city.








热门标签: 范文






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  新的一年要到了,下面是小编整理的20_年元旦祝福语英文,欢迎阅读参考!  20_年元旦祝福语英文篇一  1、Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite

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