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获得奖学金英语模板范文 第一篇

this section contains three scholarship eays:

scholarship eay onenational merit scholar

scholarship eay threewon $3,000 scholarship

like , i literally work tirelely in many academic and leadership sleep no more than six hours a night because of my desire to expertly meet my many my life, i have worked as long and as hard as i poibly can to effect beneficial changes in both school and the summer of tenth grade, i took a number theory course at johns hopkins university with students from alaska, california, and bogota, , during the summer following eleventh grade, i was one of ninety students from new jersey selected to attend the governors school in the sciences at drew drew, i took courses in molecular orbital theory, special relativity, cognitive psychology, and i participated in an astrophysics research my independent research project, i used a telescope to find the angular velocity of the angular velocity determined, i used einsteins field equations and keplers laws to place an upper bound on the magnitude of the cosmological constant, which describes the curvature of space and the rate of the universes addition to learning science, i recently lectured physics claes on special relativity at the request of my physics lecturing one cla for 45 minutes, one student bought many books on both general and special relativity to read during his study other students to search for knowledge kindles my own quest to understand the world and the people around president of the national honor society, i tutor students with difficulties in various

获得奖学金英语模板范文 第二篇

Scholarship apply letter

Dear Sir:

My name is Lingzhe Kong. I graduated from Dalian University of Technology and my major is Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. And I’d like to apply for the Newcastle University International Postgraduate Scholarships this semester.

First of all, I have relatively good personality. Actually, I am warm-hearted and always willing to help others. I always do my best to help my colleagues get out of difficult situations in life or work. My colleagues love to work with me and that makes me organize daily work more easily than others.

Besides, although I take participate in work for nearly two years, I still have great passion for study. I often read the rules of classifications of society and write summary and report regularly. Owing to the daily accumulation, I finally did well in all the work now and got good reputation in the division.

In the end, I wish you can give me this chance to win the scholarship, which may reduce the heavy burden on my tuition fees greatly and help me concentrate on the postgraduate study. I will definitely work harder and become better in the future. Looking forward to hearing from you and with best regards to you!


Lingzhe Kong

获得奖学金英语模板范文 第三篇

Department of Engineering

Fudan University


. China

2nd December, 1999

Graduate School

University of Lancaster

University House

Bailrigg Lancaster LA 14 YW


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would be most grateful if you would send me details of graduate study facilities or scholarships in civil engineering which University of Lancaster may be offering to students from overseas. I majored in engineering and graduated from Fudan University in 1993. I have studied English for more than 7 years up to intermediate level. If any scholarships are available, I would appreciate it if you would send me the necessary application forms.

Sincerely yours,

Li Guicai

获得奖学金英语模板范文 第四篇

Every time when I saw the resplendent views of Amoy, my heart will be filled with proud. You know, Amoy is known as a garden city in the world. But my mind will change when I meet traffic jam. Look at those slowly moving cars and buses, I wish I could push them forward. But how? And what can I do to change it? By what kind of means?

Logistics in China is still in the first stage, its technology and theory are lagging behind those developed countries. I made up my mind to study in Cardiff University out of my keen interest in management of logistics, looking forward to learn foreign country’s advanced technologies, and make improvement of the related field of logistics. I wish to learn values between different cultures and the way to deal with issues, which makes me think about the questions in different angles so that I could come up with different opinions and designs which will make the improvement of the existent system better in my country.

As the first British city to build upon friendship with china, Cardiff has many in common with Amoy. Both of these two cities get costal harbors, well-developed tourism industry, hold the important status as the education center for colleges and universities with solid system for coexistent aeroamphibious transportation means.

So there’s a strong possibility for Amoy to corporate with Cardiff. They may exchange experience in port operation and tourism industry; in the aspect of higher education and scientific research, they may share some information; in city management, they may learn from each other.

Study in British will make me get the related technologies to serve for the ports and logistics in Amoy and Cardiff. For example, I can make better use of logistics and its organization of Amoy ports by learning from advanced logistics design and logistics appliance of Cardiff ports, so that the working efficiency would be improved either.

Learning management of city logistics will bring me a new vision to the city logistics system of Amoy and Cardiff, especially how light railway influences urban transportation. It will help me a lot how to plan and manage local transportation suppose I work in the urban transportation sector one day.

And study in Cardiff will come to be precious experience for Chinese students, I will try my best to push the communication among the students from Cardiff and Amoy, make further corporation between the colleges and universities in these two cities. I can give some necessary suggestions, do a little favor to the students who want to study in Cardiff after me, and I would love to be a

volunteer of exchange activity of Cardiff and Amoy, as a schoolmate of Cardiff, I will push scientific corporation between Cardiff and Amoy to a positive way.

Study in British will become my personal valuable experience, I’m eager to get support from you.

获得奖学金英语模板范文 第五篇

Hello, XXX, congratulations. I'm proud that the door of your dream university is open to you at the same time. Congratulations on winning the full scholarship you deserve because you have worked hard and achieved the results you want most.

Keep in touch, XXX.



获得奖学金英语模板范文 第六篇

With the rapid rise in the cost of college education, students have several ways to pay for their college tuition and tuition fees: with the sharp rise in the cost of college education, students have several ways to pay college tuition. Many students just ask their parents to pay for the tuition. Some students may apply for bank loans.

Others will find part-time jobs on and off campus. Many good students will get through If I get a scholarship in this way, they can at least pay part of the tuition to me. I will let my parents pay half of my tuition because they are not rich enough in addition to my study.

I will work as a part-time tutor to teach some senior high school students in mathematics, physics and English. Because my subjects are very good, I will certainly study hard so that I can get the scholarship Think it's enough to pay for my college education.










热门标签: 奖学金 模板 英语






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