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中外节日不同的英语范文 第一篇

The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. It used to be as important as the Spring Festival. It is usually celebrated in September or October.

To some extent, the festival is to celebrate the harvest and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. It is like Thanksgiving Day in western countries. People usually get together with their families to have a sumptuous dinner.

People always eat delicious moon cakes and watch the moon The moon is always round, which reminds people of their relatives and friends. This is a happy and happy day. I hope you have a good mid autumn festival.



中外节日不同的英语范文 第二篇

In China, birthdays are more family celebrations. Children can eat noodles and eggs, as well as gifts from their parents and grandparents. In western countries, they can choose a favorite restaurant.

In western countries, they will celebrate their birthday on different days. They usually bring cakes to share with the class. Some children even go to their homes and restaurants In the gym, in the park, even in the swimming pool, friends bring presents to the party, play games, have a meal, and then leave with a bag containing party gifts.



中外节日不同的英语范文 第三篇

Nowadays, there is a phenomenon that western customs spread to the East step by step, which makes many residents living in big cities enjoy themselves in the western festivals such as Christmas and April Fool's day. This phenomenon shows that the people of the world are gradually approaching, and the world is becoming smaller and smaller. Therefore, I think this is a normal phenomenon and an inevitable trend.

First of all, it shows that among us Chinese people have become more open, rather than stick to some very old customs, which runs counter to our life. Looking back on history, we can find out why our China was very poor and weak in the s We have suffered from wars launched by many European countries, so I think this is not only of course. We must accept other customs rather than close ourselves.

Festivals are just the beginning. The result of the reform and opening up policy is just like this. So I would like to say that this is a great achievement since the implementation of this policy.

China is developing rapidly, which is inevitable The trend is not only that, we can get closer and closer not only with our hometown friends, but also with many foreigners. We will never feel embarrassed because we don't know other people's customs and habits, and we can avoid more misunderstandings. In a word, this trend has its great advantages to a certain extent.

However, if we appreciate the western customs too much, it will be great. Because China is our own country, we should all enjoy the desire of patriotism in the near future. We can see that Westerners have a happy Spring Festival.



标签: 新学期

中外节日不同的英语范文 第四篇

The cultural differences between China and Britain are reflected in festivals. In addition to the common festivals (such as new year) of the English speaking people in China, both sides have their own special festivals. China has the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, etc.

here are Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day in English, Easter), April Fool's Day (April Fool's day, mother's day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas and other festivals) The customs and habits of the family are not quite the same, which has now been fully reflected in JEFC's textbooks, such as the Mid Autumn Festival of JEFC books and the happy Christmas festival of book unit. People in national English also express different attitudes with Chinese. Chinese people usually have a lot of decline, which shows that they are helpless to accept and do not directly open the accepted gifts if you are in color The combination of direct opening and pleasure may lead to the suspicion of money supremacy.

In British culture, people praise and appreciate the gifts given by others.



中外节日不同的英语范文 第五篇

Christmas is an annual festival in the western world. It used to be one of the most important festivals for them. Only Westerners or Christians would celebrate it.

However, in recent years, more and more Chinese celebrate Christmas, especially among young people. There are many activities on that day. I think there are the following reasons that make Christmas popular in China.

First of all, it is a western festival With the development of the world, the mutual influence between China and the west makes it continue. Businessmen have made great contributions to its popularity.



中外节日不同的英语范文 第六篇

On December 24, everyone is excited about the day before Christmas, which is called Christmas Eve. Children usually go to bed early and are warned that Santa will only come to give you a present. If you behave well, the younger children really believe that Santa will come down from his sleigh in his sleigh.

When Santa comes, reindeer food like bread and beer is prepared for him, but most of the time parents just eat some of their children They put socks and sacks there for Christmas presents (their parents put them on them. On Christmas mornings, the children are always the first to get them. Some even make them in the place of four gift wrapping .

They look at the presents with smiles on their faces and, oh, my God, I hope no one will be disappointed. I feel sorry for those who play in pink underwear, and dinner is prepared by s. Christmas dinner is usually eaten by relatives.

Christmas pudding and roosters are usually served with desserts. The rest of the time is usually s and fun. Before the end of a good day, I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.




中外节日不同的英语范文 第七篇

Spring Festival (January / February) Chinese people make dumplings and perform lion and dragon dances on the Lantern Festival (month day). This day marks the end of the Spring Festival. People eat dumplings for good luck, watch lantern shows and guess lantern riddles.

On Chinese New Year's Eve (the last day of December in the lunar calendar), people eat dumplings and stay up all night to welcome the Mid Autumn Festival (August 4). On this day, people eat moon cakes and enjoy the bright full moon. Teachers' Day (September) students send flowers and gifts to their teachers.

There are many festivals and festivals in China. One is international labor day or may day. People usually enjoy seven days' holiday.

They often go shopping or travel / Dragon Boat Festival (May 5) Dragon Boat Festival on May 5, people are in many places Hold dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings to commemorate Quyuan's National Day (October 1) October 1 is the national day. People all over the country celebrate China's birthday in Beijing, the capital of China. Many people go to Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag rise.

New year (January 1) Christmas (December) people in many countries celebrate Christmas and give gifts to each other. Thanksgiving (the fourth Thursday in November) American families Get together for a big dinner. Many people eat roast turkey and potatoes.

April Fool's Day (April 1) children and some adults who play tricks on their friend's mother's Day (the second Sunday in May) send gifts and postcards to their mothers, and there is often a family reunion on father's Day (the third Sunday in June) and Halloween (October 1) night is This is America's favorite holiday. They have a special Easter party (a Sunday between March and April). Christians believe that Christ resurrected at Easter.

People make colored eggs to celebrate Valentine's Day (February).



中外节日不同的英语范文 第八篇

Halloween is an international festival celebrated in October. Halloween activities include: Witchcraft, ghost tours, bonfires, masquerade parties, visiting haunted spots, carving pumpkin lanterns, reading horror stories and watching horror movies. Irish immigrants brought the 19th century tradition to North America.

Western countries embraced the festival at the end of the 20th century. Some countries in the western world celebrated the festival. The most common ones are the United States, Canada and love In Holland, Puerto Rico, Japan, New Zealand, Britain, and occasionally in parts of Sweden and Australia, all saints' statutory festivals are on the first Saturday of November 1.

After Christmas, Halloween is the most commercialized festival in the United States and Canada. However, this ancient festival originated in North America. Centuries before the first Europeans set foot on the continent, the ancient Druids who lived in what we now call Great Britain attached great importance to the transition from one season to the next, holding a three-day xxxFire Festivalxxx (two days on each side of the day), one of which was called Samhain (pronounced shavon), it happened from October to November, when people believed that the boundaries between our world and the world of the dead were weakened, allowing the soul's recently dead to cross over and have living people.




中外节日不同的英语范文 第九篇

Now, Chinese people and Westerners contact more than before, and contact with others is a good thing, but everything has its advantages and disadvantages, the following are some unexpected things, we like to celebrate western festivals more than before, and know more clearly, but my question is, we still know that our old friends should accept it from a real chapter a few years ago We should learn a lesson, we don't even celebrate our own festival, so we should celebrate the news and keep our old festivals, so this is my view.



中外节日不同的英语范文 第十篇

In a western restaurant, the most important thing is people. First of all, if you are right-handed, you need to hold a fork in your left hand and a knife in your right hand. If you are left-handed, you should hold the knife in your right hand.

Don't eat a lot of things at the same time. Next, you must eat a little at a time. It's impolite not to open your mouth to drink soup.

Don't make any noise after drinking soup. Finally, wipe your mouth with a paper towel. If you need to excuse yourself, put the knife and fork on both sides of the plate, and the server will think that you have finished.










热门标签: 英语






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