Unit2 news media(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)

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Unit2 news media(人教版高三英语教案教学设计)(精选20篇)由“i乐德范文网”投稿提供,以下是小编帮大家整理后的Unit2 news media(人教版高三英语教案教学设计),仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

篇1:高二英语Unit2 news media 知识点总复习教案(人教版高二英语教案教学设计)

Section I 课前准备、听力、口语

1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? 以上的新闻媒体中哪一种最可靠? (p.9 Warming Up Ex. 1)

reliable adj. 可信赖的;可依靠的;确定的 ① They are reliable friends. 他们是可信赖的朋友。② Is this product reliable? 这种产品的质量可靠吗? ③ Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗?

【链接】 reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地 / reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性 / rely vi. 依赖,依靠 (与on连用,相当于depend on) ① We can't rely on her for help. 我们不可指望她的帮助。② I rely on her to pay back the money. = I rely on her paying back the money. 我相信她会还钱。③ You may rely on it that he will come to meet you. 你放心好了,他会来接你的。

2. How do you know whether what you hear, see or read is true? 你怎么知道你听见、看见或读到的东西是不是真的? (p.9 Warming Up Ex. 3)



(1) what相当于all that,the thing(s)that,the place that,the person that等,表示从不定数目或不定数量的事物中做出选择。(2) which表示从已知的、确定的范围中做出选择。(3) which可引导从句,而what则不可。① What shoes are you going to wear? 你要穿什么鞋? ② Which shoes shall I wear, the red ones or the brown ones? 我该穿哪双鞋,是红色的还是棕色的? ③ What train are you going by? (说话人只是询问火车的时间,而对可乘的火车没有任何概念) 你要乘几点的火车? ④ Which train are you going by? (说话人脑海里有几趟可乘的火车) 你要乘哪趟火车?

【注意】以下句子中常用what。① What season do you like best? 你最喜欢什么季节? ② What day of the week is today? 今天星期几?

3. The man was fired. 那人被开除了。(p.10 Listening 1)


(1) 解雇,开除 (=dismiss, 反义词: employ, take on)

The company fired him for not coming to work on time. 那公司因他不按时来上班而解雇了他。

(2) 点燃,燃烧 It is difficult to fire wet twigs. 湿的小树枝很难点燃。

(3) (以……为目标)发射(枪、弹等) He fired his gun at the big snake. 他开枪打那条大蛇。

(4) 激发(人、感情等),使充满热情 The story fired his imagination. 这故事激发了他的想像力。

4. The man faced difficulties. 此人面对困难。(p.10 Listening 2)

1) face 的动词用法 (1) vt. & vi. 面对,面向 ① The building faces the park. 那座建筑物面对着公园。② -- How does this house face? -- It faces (to) the east. - 这房子面朝哪边? - 朝东边。(2) vt. 面临(困难等),应付,面对;(危险、困难等)迫近 ① We must face our trouble and bear it. 我们必须正视我们的困难并勇于承受。② Such was the situation we were facing. 这就是我们面临的局势。③ Sooner or later he'll have to face being on his own. 迟早他将不得不面对只靠自己的局面。④ The difficulty that faces us today is one of supplying food to those in need. 我们今天面临的困难就是向急需的人提供食品。

【短语】be faced with 面临,面对 / face up to 面对;承担 / face the music 接受 (不愉快的后果或情况) ① I was faced with a new problem. 我面临一个新问题。② She couldn't face up to the fact that she was no longer young. 她无法面对自己不再年轻的事实。③ The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music. 那个男孩被发现考试作弊,不得不接受处罚。

2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。如: ① I had great difficulty (in) doing the work. 我做那件工作感到很吃力。② She learned to speak French without difficulty. 她毫无困难地学会了讲法语。③ We will face many difficulties in the future. 将来我们要面临许多难题。

5. The man was generous. 此人很慷慨。(p.10 Listening 7)

generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的 ① Your uncle is very generous to buy you that car for your birthday. 你叔叔真慷慨,买那部汽车祝贺你的生日。② He is generous with his money. 他出手大

方。③ It was very generous of you to forgive her. 你能原谅她实在是够宽容的。④ He gave me a generous lunch. 他请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。⑤ There will be a generous harvest this year. 今年会有大丰收。

【链接】generously adv. 慷慨地; generosity n. 慷慨大方

6. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. 以下列出了今天发生的十件事。(p.10 Speaking 第1行)

本句为倒装句,正常语序应为:A list of ten things...is below. below 看作副词,表示方位。当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装的结构,即把谓语动词的所有组成部分都移到主语之前这类作状语或表语的词常见的有:away,down,in,off,out,over,up,above,below,here,there 及介词短语与分词。如:① To the list may be added the following names. 在这个名单上还可以添上下列人员。② Here is a seat for you. 这儿有你的一个座位。③ There goes the bell! 铃响了。④ The door opened and in came Mr. Smith. 门开了,史密斯先生走了进来。⑤ Away ran the prisoner. 这犯人跑了。⑥ In the front of the lecture hall sits a professor. 报告厅的前面坐着一位教授。⑦ Written on the blackboard are the names of those who were late yesterday. 黑板上写着昨天迟到的人的名字。⑧ Sitting in the front are the leaders of our school. 前面就坐的是我们学校的领导。

【注意】如果作主语的是人称代词,则不用倒装。如:① In he came and the lesson began. 他走进来开始上课。② Here he comes. 他来了。

7. Food prices are going up. 食品价格在上涨。(p.10 Speaking)

go up 此处相当于rise,increase,意为“上升,增长,提高”。如: ① The temperature has gone up. 温度上升了。② The goods have gone up in quality, but have not gone up in price. 这些货物的质量提高了,可是价格没提。

【拓展】go up 还可意为“上升,攀登;向(河的等)上游而去,沿(街)而去;响起,被听见;被炸毁”。如: ① The lift went up to the fourth floor. 电梯升到了四楼。② There is a path going up to the mountain top. 有条小路通到山顶。③ The boat was going up the river. 船正在河上逆流而上。④ The children were going up the street. 孩子们正沿着街走去。⑤ A cheer went up in the hall. 大厅里响起一阵欢呼声。⑥ The enemy gas tank received a direct hit and went up in a huge explosion. 敌人的汽油库遭到直接命中,在剧烈的爆炸声中被毁掉。

8. Two men robbed a bank in Shanghai. 两个人抢劫了上海的一家银行。(p.10 Speaking)

rob 意为“抢,抢劫”,用于如下结构: rob sb. / a place (of sth.) 从某人/某地抢走 (某物) ① They robbed her of all her money. 他们抢走了她所有的钱。② She was robbed of her necklace. 她的项链被抢走了。③ Thieves robbed the bank of thousands of dollars. 小偷们抢了银行数千美元。


rob用于rob sb. / a place of sth. 的结构。 steal用于steal sth. (偷某物)。 pick用于pick one's pocket(掏腰包)的固定搭配。

【提示】rob sb. / a place of sth. 在变为被动结构时,只能说:Sb. / A place is robbed of sth.,不能说:Sth. is robbed。

9. A house in your town burned down. Nobody was injured. 你所在的城镇里有一所房子烧毁了。没有人受伤。(p.10 Speaking)

burn down意为“烧毁;使烧毁”。如: ① The woodshed was burnt down in half an hour. 半个小时小木屋就烧毁了。② These houses were burnt down (to the ground)by the enemy. 这些房子被敌人烧毁了。

【拓展】burn down 也可表示“由于燃料烧尽而火力渐弱”。The fire is burning down,get some more coal please. 火力在减弱,请再拿些煤来。

【比较】burn up 意为“烧尽,烧光”“(火,炉等)烧起

来,旺起来”。如: ① He threw the letter into the stove and it burnt up in a few seconds. 他把信丢进炉子,几秒钟时间信就烧掉了。② Put some wood on the fire and make it

burn up. 添些木柴把火烧旺。

【提示】burn down 强调破坏性,burn up 强调动作的



(1) injure指意外伤害或事故造成的伤害,有危及功能和发展之意。Several children were injured in the accident.好几个孩子在那次事故中受伤。

(2) wound一般指刀伤、枪伤、战场上受伤,也可指对感情的伤害。① He got wounded in the battle. 他在战斗中受伤。② Her words wounded him badly. 她的话严重伤害了他。

(3) hurt指精神或肉体上的“创伤,伤害”,作不及物动词时,意为“疼”,其过去分词不能作定语。① His words hurt me / my feelings. 他的话伤了我/我的感情。② He fell and hurt his leg. 他掉下来伤了腿。③ My shoes are s0 tight that my feet hurt. 鞋太紧,我的脚疼。

(4) harm一般指伤害有生命的东西,常指伤及一个人的健康、权利、事业等。① Smoking seriously harmed his health. 吸烟严重损害了他的健康。② They had their hearing harmed by the loud noise of machines. 他们的听力被机器的巨大噪音所损害。

(5) destroy指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用,一般不能或很难修复,有时可用于比喻意义。① The earthquake destroyed the whole city. 地震毁了整个城市。② All his hopes were destroyed by her letter of refusal. 他所有的希望都被她的拒绝信毁了。

(6) damage主要指对价值和功能的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般还可修复。① Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of the disease. 由于生病,她的心脏轻微受损。② They managed to repair the house that had been damaged. 他们设法修复了受到破坏的房屋。

【注意】wound与injure可构成如下形式: the wounded 伤员; twenty wounded 二十个伤员; the injured (因事故造成的) 受伤者

Section Ⅱ 阅读

10. Experienced editors and reporters make informed decisions about what events to report, how to report them. 有经验的编辑和记者对于该报道什么事件,如何报道做出明智的决定。(p.11 Reading第一段第1行)

informed adj. 明智的;有知识的;了解情况的 ① He is a well-informed man. 他是个消息灵通的人。② You should keep us informed whenever you are in trouble. 一有麻烦你就应该告知我们。

【链接】inform 的用法: inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事; inform sb. that / wh... 告知某人…; inform sb. + 疑问词 + 不定式; ① I informed her mother of her safe arrival. 我通知她母亲她已平安到达。② We were informed that a big fire had broken out in the next town. 我们获知邻镇发生大火灾。③ His letter informed us how and when he was expected to arrive in Beijing. 他的来信通知了我们他预定来北京的时间和搭乘的交通工具。④ He will inform us where to go. 他会告知我们该去什么地方。

11. They also make sere that readers can relate to the stories. 他们还确保读者能与报道内容相关。(p.11 Reading 第一段 第2行)

relate vi. & vt. (和……)相关;涉及;把……与……关联起来 ① How on earth do his remarks relate to what we are discussing now? 他的评论和我们现在讨论的事究竟有什么关系呢? ② I think we may relate these two acci- dents to his carelessness. 我们可以把这两个事故与他的 疏忽联系起来。③ The two men just can't relate to each other. 那两个人怎么也合不来。


【 链接】related adj. 有关系的, 相关的;亲戚的 / relation n.关系; 亲戚 / relative adj. 相关的,关于……的; n.亲戚

12. The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once and be the interviewees rather than interviewers in order to let us know about their work and how the news we read is made. 为了让我们了解他们的工作以及我们读到的新闻是如何制作与写作的,两位记者同意转换一次角色,充当被采访者而不是采访者。(p.11 Reading第一段 第4行)

(1) for once = just for once = for this once = this once 就这(那)一次 ① For once you are right. 只有这一次你是对的。② For once, at least, it's not my fault. 起码这一次不是我的错。③ Do let me stay up later tonight, mummy - just for this once. 就让我今晚上晚睡吧,妈妈 - 就这一次。

【链接】all at once 突然;同时 / once and for all 永远的;一劳永逸的 / once in a while 偶尔 / once more (again) 再一次 / once upon a time 从前(用于开始讲故事)

【比较】 once 意为“一次;曾经一度”。① I will help you once but then you must do it by yourself. 我会帮你一次以后你必须自己做。② We once lived in San Francisco. 我们曾在旧金山住过。

(2) rather than 此处相当于and not,意为“而不是”。如: ① The colour seems green rather than blue. 颜色好像是绿色,而不是蓝色。② They were screaming rather than singing. 他们在尖叫,而不是在唱歌。③ It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet. 最好在开始工作时就去请求帮助,而不要等到大家都忙得不可开交时,再去找人帮忙。④ She telephoned rather than wrote. 她打了电话而没写信。

【注意】rather than连接并列结构

【提示】rather than 连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数与前一个保持一致。He rather than you is to blame. 是他而不是你该受到责备。

【拓展】rather than 还可用于以下情况:

(1) 表示两种说法的正确程度,意为“与其说,倒不如说”。He is an artist rather than a philosopher. 与其说他是位哲学家,不如说他是位艺术家。

(2) 表示主观上选择。主句表示喜欢做的事(主句中常含有would,prefer,like等),rather than部分则表示不喜欢做的事。① I would die with my head high rather than live with knees bent. 我宁愿昂着头死,也不愿跪着生。② Rather than go there I'd prefer to stay here on my own. 我宁愿自己呆在这里,也不去那里。

13. For long and important articles, for example, a feature story, the editor will tell me how I should develop the story. 对于重要的长篇文章,例如一个特别报导,编辑会告诉我该如何阐述。(p.11 Reading ‘Zhu Lin’ 第3行)

develop 在本句中意为“阐述、详述”,也可翻译为“(逐步)展开”。① We should develop our argument point by point. 我们应该逐步展开论点。② Please try to develop the idea more fully. 请将该意见更详细地说明一下。

【拓展】develop 还可意为“发展、开发、养成、揭露、显示、冲洗”等。① His business developed quickly. 他的事业迅速发展起来。② We need to develop solar energy even further. 我们需要进一步开发太阳能。③ I developed the habit of eating between meals. 我养成了吃零食的习惯。④ His investigation developed several new facts. 他的调查揭露了若干新的事实。⑤ Please develop these films immediately. 请马上冲洗这些胶卷。

14. After the interview,the reporter must present the material in an organized way and make sure that the article reflects events and opinions truthfully. 采访以后,记者必须有条理地呈现材料,并确保所写的文章真实地反映事件及看法。(p.11 Reading ‘Chen Ying’第5行)

(1) present vt. 呈现;描述;介绍;赠送 ① The mayor presented the prizes in person. 市长亲自颁奖。② The principal presented a diploma to each of the graduates. = The principal presented each of the graduates with a diploma. 校长把毕业证书授予每一位毕业生。③ I presented the letter of introduction to the receptionist. 我把介绍信呈给接待员。④ The forced agreement will present problems later. 那项强制达成的协议日后将会发生问题。⑤ They presented flowers to their teacher. 他们给老师送了鲜花。

【链接】present adj. 在场的,出席 n. 礼物 / presence n. 在场,出席

(2) reflect vt. 反映;表现;反射;映出;反省 (vi.) ① Her severe look reflected how she really felt. 她那冷峻的神情反映出她心中的真正感受。② The letter reflected her sorrow. 那封信显露出她的悲伤。③ Her face was reflected in the mirror. 她的脸映现在镜子中。④ Mirrors reflect light. 镜子能反射光线。⑤ Please reflect on the matter. 请仔细考虑那件事。⑥ I reflected on possible reasons for my failure. 我仔细考虑导致我失败的种种可能原因。

【链接】reflection n. 反射;反映;思考,沉思 / reflective adj. 反射的;反映的;沉思的

15. My favourite article is one I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to China. 我最喜欢的文章是我写的一篇关于如何努力把被盗文物带回中国。(p.11 Reading ‘Chen Ying’ 倒数第1行)

(1) one 在句中作表语,起替代作用,以避免重复。如替代的名词为复数,则用复数形式的替代词ones。

① I haven't a pen. Can you lend me one? 我没带钢笔,你能借给我一支吗? ② I didn't buy a calculator. They only had expensive ones.我没买计算器,他们只有贵的。

【注意】以上例句中的one替代的是泛指概念的名词,若替代特指概念的名词。则用the one或the ones。① Don't tie it to that old branch. I think it will break. Tie it to the one on the right. 别把它绑在那根老树上,我想它会断的。把它绑在右边的树枝上。② My shoes are similar to the ones you had on yesterday. 我的鞋子与你昨天穿的相似。

【提示】one 只能指代可数名词,若指代不可数名词则用that。The weather today is warmer than that yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天的暖和。

(2) effort [U, C] 努力;艰难的尝试;努力的成果 ① He did it without effort. 他毫不费力地做完那件事。② Getting a high grade requires great effort. 要取得高分需要非常努力。③ All my efforts were in vain. 我的努力全都白费了。

【短语】make an effort 努力,尽力 / spare no effort 不遗余力

16. I like the story because it was the first time that I had written with real passion and because it made me realise that everyone's life is different. 我喜欢这个故事,因为那是我第一次怀着真正的激情写作,也因为它使我意识到每个人的生活都是不同的。(p.12 Reading ‘Zhu Lin’ 第3行)

it was the first time (that)…是固定句式,it也可换成 this 或 that;first 也可换成 second,third 等以表达不同的意义。如: ① This is the fourth time she's rung you in a week. 这是她一周内第四次给你打电话。② It was the second time that he had been out with her alone. 这是第二次他单独跟她外出。



现在完成时。① It will be the first time that I haven't been

abroad. 这将是我第一次不呆在国外。② This will be the first time that I have visited China. 这将是我第一次访问中国。

【拓展】the first time 可起从属连词的作用,引起时间状语从句。① The first time (that) I saw her, my heart stopped. 我第一次见到她时,心脏都停止了跳动。② The first time I went to Beijing, I visited the Summer Palace. 我第一次去北京时,游览了颐和园。

17. I want to write about people who you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs. 我想写一下那些你很少读过其情况的人,例如患艾滋病或染有毒瘾的人。(p.12 Reading ‘Chen Ying’ 第1行)

(1) read about 意为“读关于……的文章,获悉”。如: ① I read about the accident in the newspaper. 我从报纸上获悉那次事故。② I know it's true, because I read about it in the official report. 我知道那是真的,因为我在官方报告中读过有关它的文章。

【比较】read表示“读,看”,后接读的内容,也可表示“理解,看懂”。① I read a good article in today's paper. 我在今天的报纸上读了一篇好文章。② She could read his thoughts. 她能看出他的心思。③ You can read a guy's character at the first glance. 你第一眼就能看出一个人的性格。④ Silence must not always be read as consent. 不能总是把沉默理解为同意。


(2) addict vt. 使沉溺;使人迷;使醉心 (常用于被动结构be addicted to) ① Don't addict yourself to such foolish things. 不要沉溺于这些愚蠢的事情。② Many students are addicted to computer games. 许多学生迷恋计算机游戏。

18. Their stories must be told if we want to solve difficult social problems and help those who suffer from them. 我们要想解决社会难题并帮助那些为难题所困的人们,就必须把他们的情况说出来。(p.12 Reading ‘Chen Ying’ 第3行)

suffer vi. 受痛苦,受苦难 ① The injured man was still suffering. 那位受伤的男子还在遭受折磨。② His health suffered terribly from heavy drinking. 他的健康因酗酒而严重受损。

【短语】suffer from 苦于……,患……病 ① This area used to suffer from floods. 这一地区过去常遭水灾。② She often suffers from headaches. 她经常头痛。

【拓展】suffer用作及物动词时,意为“遭受,蒙受”。① The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake. 那个城市因地震而遭到严重破坏。② The economy of that country has suffered a great loss. 那个国家的经济蒙受了重大损失。

19. We shouldn't ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories. 即使人们很难接受某些报导,我们也不应当不顾发生的事实。(p.12 Reading ‘Chen Ying’ 第4行)

(1) ignore vt. 忽视;不顾;对……装作不知道 ① He ignored my advice. 他忽视了我的忠告。② The driver ignored the traffic light. 那个司机不理会红绿灯。

【链接】ignorance n. 无知;不学无术;不知道 / ignorant adj. 无知的;不学无术的;无教养的

(2) even if (=even though) 即使,纵然 ① Even if I have to sell my house, I'll keep my business going. 即使要卖掉我的房子,我还要继续我的事业。② Even if he is poor, she loves him. 即使他很穷,她还是爱他。

【比较】though意为“尽管”,常用于陈述事实。如: ① Though he is poor, he is satisfied with his situation. 尽管他很穷,但他对他的境况是满意的。② Her first name was Rose, though no one called her that. 她的名字是罗斯,不过没有人这么称呼她。

【链接】 as if (= as though) 好像He treats me as if I were a stranger. 他对待我好像对待陌生人似的。

20. The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed. 媒体能经常帮助解决问题,关注需要帮助的局面。(p.12 Reading ‘Chen Ying’ 第二段 第1行)

(1) draw attention to 对……加以注意,把注意力吸引到……上来。① Her cry drew our attention to the running car. 她的喊叫声把我们的注意力吸引到那辆行驶的汽车上。② He drew attention to the rising unemployment. 失业率日渐升高引起他的注意。

【提示】draw one's attention 中的draw也可换成catch或attract。Her sweet voice attracted / caught / drew our attention. 她甜美的声音引起了我们的注意。

【拓展】 pay attention to 注意; devote one's attention to 专心于; call attention to 唤起对……的注意; turn attention to 将注意力转向……; fix one's attention on 将注意力集中于……① You should pay attention to doing the experiment. 做这个实验你必须多加注意。② Lenin devoted much attention to training party leaders from among the workers. 列宁很注意从工人当中培养党的领导人。③ Before close I must call your attention to a problem we have to face. 在结束前,我必须让你们注意一个我们必须面对的问题。④ During the year, the government turned its attention to improving agriculture. 这一年,政府把注意力转向改善农业上。⑤ You must fix your attention on what the teacher is saying. 你必须集中注意力听讲。


(2) situations 后面由 where 引起了定语从句,表示处于某种局面或形势下。where引起的定语从句除修饰地点外,也可修饰situation,case,point等。

21. The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated. 结果就是在各方面对世界有更好的理解,从而产生一个来自各国的人民都受到尊重、不同观点与意见都能容忍的未来世界。(p.12 Reading ‘Chen Ying’ 第二段 倒数第3行)

(1) understanding 用作不可数名词,有时与不定冠词连用,意为“理解,了解;理解力;共识” 等。如: ①He has a clear understanding of the situation. 他对情况了解得很清楚。② The problem is beyond my understanding. 这个问题超过了我的理解力。③ We have reached an understanding with them. 我们跟他们达成了共识。

(2) on all sides (=on every side) 在各方面,到处 ① On all sides there was great enthusiasm over his speech. 对他的演讲各方面都抱有极大的热情。② On every side we have heard approval of his plan. 我们到处听到对他的计划的赞同。

【拓展】from all sides 从四面八方 / on one's side 在某人一边,支持某人 / take sides(with) 偏向一边,站在……一边 / side by side 肩并肩

(3) leading to... 为状语,表示结果。① The child slipped and fell down, hitting his head against the door. 那孩子滑了一跤,头碰到了门上。② Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds, blocking roads, paths and railway lines. 大风刮倒了1,500万棵树,阻塞了大小道路和铁路线。

【注意】现在分词作结果状语时表示必然的结果,而不定式作状语表示出乎意料的结果。One day 1 went shopping and came back to find my front wheel missing. 有一天我去买东西,回来时发现我的车前轮不见了。

Section III 词汇、语法、综合技能

22. Nine out of ten housewives who were interviewed about the product said they liked it. 关于这种产品,在接受采访的家庭主妇中十分之九的都说喜欢。(p.14 Grammar Ex.3 No.3)

out of 意为“从(某个数)之中”,也可换成in。如: ① Choose one out of these ten. 从这十个当中选择一个。② He is safe from danger (in) nine cases out of ten. 十之八九他是安全的。

【拓展】 out of 还可表示如下意义:(1) 从…的内部,从……到外 Don't look out of the window. 不要向窗外看。(2) 在……的范围外 ① He is out of sight. 他在看不到的地方。② He lives a few miles out of the city. 他住在离市区数英里之外的地方。(3) 因……原因,出于I did it for her out of friendship. 我出于友好为她做那事。(4) (状态)从……离开 ① Your coat is out of fashion. 你的外套过时了。② The riot is out of control. 暴动已经失控。

23. And I like the way the fans look up to them. 而且我很喜欢球迷们对他们表达敬意的方式。(p.14 Grammar Ex.5 第二段 第3行)

(1) the way后面的句子是定语从句,此处省略了引导词that或in which,它们在从句中作状语。

(2) look up to 意为“尊敬,钦佩”,相当于admire,respect。① We look up to the old worker as our teacher. 我们把这位老工人尊为我们的老师。② This old man is looked up to by everybody. 这位老干部受到众人的尊敬。

24. Out many of them still think soccer is boring. 但他们许多人认为足球很无聊。(p.14 Grammar Ex.5 第二段 倒数第1行)

bore vt. 烦扰,使厌烦 ① The long speech bored us all. 那冗长的演讲使我们都感到厌烦。② Are you bored with my story? 我的话使你感到厌烦吗? ③ He always bores her with the same story. (= by telling...) 他总是重复同样的故事,使她觉得厌烦。


【比较】boring 令人厌烦的; bored 感到厌烦的

25. Americans will fall in love with this game too. 美国人也会爱上这种运动。(p.14 Grammar Ex.5 第三段 第2行)

fall in love with 爱上……(表动作,不延续) ① I fell in love with her at first sight. 我对她一见钟情。② She fell in love with the house as soon as she saw it. 一见到那所房子她就喜欢上了。

【比较】be in love (with) 意为“相爱,喜欢”,表示延续状态。① He had never been in love before. 他以前从没恋爱过。② If you're really in love with art, you don't mind hard work. 如果你真的喜欢艺术.你就不会介意吃苦。

26. A small group of fewer than a hundred people caused trouble for workers at our city's most successful company today. 不足一百人的一小群人今天在我们市办事办得最成功的公司给工人造成了麻烦。(p.15 Integrating Skills 第一图 第1行)

(1) fewer than 少于,不足(修饰复数名词)

【链接】less than少于,不足(修饰不可数名词) ; more than多于,超过(修饰复数名词或不可数名词)

(2) cause trouble (for) (给……)带来麻烦或烦恼

【链接】ask / look for trouble 自找麻烦,自寻烦恼; be in trouble 处于困境,有麻烦; get into trouble 陷于困境; make trouble 惹麻烦; put a person to trouble 给某人添麻烦; take trouble to do 费神做……,不辞劳苦地做

27. Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth. 勇敢而又强壮的行动者在工厂外与工人们进行了交谈并留下了有关保护地球的积极性宣言。(p.15 Integrating Skills 第二图 第3行)

brave and strong 是形容词作方式状语。再如: Stone- faced, the captain ordered to reduce speed. 船长面无表情地下达了减速的命令。



(1) 原因状语 Too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor. 他紧张地不能回答,只是凝视着地板。

(2) 时间状语 Ripe, these apples are sweet. 这些苹果熟了的时候是很甜的。

(3) 条件状语 Fresh from the oven,rolls are delicious. 面包卷如果是刚出炉的。则会很香。

(4) 句子状语(对句子内容加以评注) ①Strange to say,he did pass his exam after all. 说来奇怪,他竟然通过了考试。② More important,he's got a steady job. 更重要的是,他得到了一份稳定的工作。

28. Do your supporting sentences focus on the main idea? 你那些提供证据的句子是针对主题思想的吗? (p.16 Tips 第3点行)

focus vt. & vi. 集中(注意、关心)于……,集中注意力(与on连用) ① We must focus our attention on urgent problems. 我们必须把注意力集中在紧迫的问题上。② All eyes were focused on him. 所有目光都集中到他身上。③ He found it hard to focus on one thing for longer than five minutes. 他发现很难集中注意一件事在5分钟以上。

【链接】focus 也可用作名词,意为“焦距;(兴趣、活动等的)中心”。① Please adjust the focus of the telescope. 请调节望远镜的焦距。② He is the focus of attention. 他是人们注意的焦点。


1. 过去分词作定语和表语

1) 过去分词作定语 单个过去分词作定语时常放在被修饰词前,过去分词短语作定语时应放在被修饰词之后。

如: ① I bought some painted chairs. 我买了几把油漆好的椅子。② Everybody attended the meeting held last week. 所有的人都参加了上星期举行的会议。


(1) 过去分词修饰something,everything,anything,nothing,somebody,nobody等不定代词或不定代词those时,要放在这些词的后面。① He is one of those invited. 他是那些被邀请的人之一。② Nothing reported (in the newspaper) interested him. 报纸上报导的事没有一样让他感兴趣。

(2)单个的过去分词有时置于名词后作定语。如: The experience gained is very useful. 获取的经验很有用。

(3) 有些过去分词作前置定语与后置定语时意义不同。如: in the given time 在既定的时间内; with the words given 用所给的单词; a wanted person 被通缉的人; workers wanted 招聘工人; a concerned look 关切的神情; the people concerned 有关人士

2)过去分词作表语 ① She looks worried. 她看上去忧心忡忡。② Your article is well written. 你的文章写得很好。


(1) 用作表语的过去分词,被动意味很弱,主要表示动作的完成和状态,此时相当于一个形容词。如:① The glass is broken. 玻璃破了。② Our classroom is crowded. 我们的教室很拥挤。

(2)被动语态的过去分词,动作意味很强,句子主语为动作的承受者,后常跟by短语。如:① The glass was broken by Jack. 玻璃是杰克打破的。② The windows were closed by Tom last night. 昨天夜里是汤姆关的窗。

【拓展】表示感觉的一些过去分词 (如surprised,disappointed,excited,pleased等)及其他一些 (如dressed,drunk,devoted,lost,known,married, recovered,separated等)过去分词可常用作表语,表示状态,其中有些只表示状态,毫无被动意味。如:① I found that I was lost. 我发现我迷了路。② Those days are past and gone. 那些日子一去不复返了。③ He is dead drunk. 他喝得烂醉。④ The patient is perfectly recovered from his illness. 病人已完全康复。

【注意】过去分词作表语时,系动词除be外,也可用get,become等表示动作,不能延续。如: ① They have been married for five years. 他们结婚五年了。② They got married five years ago. 他们五年前结的婚。

篇2:人教新课标 高二Unit2 News Media优化设计

Unit 2 News media (新闻媒体)

Teaching Time: 7 periods

Period 1 Warming up & Listening

Teaching Aims:

1. Talk about news and the media

2.Train the students' listening ability by listening and answering some relative questions.

3. master the following words: reliable, elct, go up, burn down, injure…

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the useful words and expressions in this period

2. Training the Ss’listening and speaking ability

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help Ss understand the listening material exactly

How to help improve their speaking ability

Teaching Methods:

Listening-and answering activity to help the Ss qo through the listening material

Individual, pair or group work to make the Ss finish the speaking task

Teaching Aids:a computer, a recorder, the Bb

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greet and Lead-in

Quesrion: How many golden medals have we got?

Answer: (By reading newspapers and magazines,watching TV, listening to the radio, also by a website.) In Eglish we call it news media.

Step 2: Warming up

1.Translate the followingaaaaaaaaaaaa:

(1).新闻媒体_______________ (2)与…有区别______________

(3) 被开除_________________ (4)面临困难 _____________

(5) 给出理由_____________ (6)烧毁 ______________

(7) 宁愿_______________ (8).粮食价格_______________

(9). 上涨 ______________

2.Please open the book at page 9. Look at the pictures and discuss the following questions in pairs:

(1)Which of the news media above is the most reliable? Why?

(2)How are the media above different from each other?

(3)How do you know whether what you hear, see and read is true?

(4)Do you know how a newspaper is made?

Step 2: Listening(SB page 10)

T: Now let’s come to the listening. We are going to listen to two parts of conversations.The first part is an interview; the second part is a dialogue. Listen carefully to what is said in each part. I’ll play the tape twice. (after listening) Please work in pairs to talk about the questions in Exercises 2, 3,4.

(Check the answer with the whole class)

Step 3 Key Words

1. Which of the news media above is the most reliable? 以上的新闻媒体中哪一种最可靠?

reliable adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的; 确定的

They are reliable friends. 他们是可信赖的朋友。

Is the source of the information reliable? 那个消息的来源可靠吗?

[链接] rely vt. 信赖; 依靠 reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地 reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性

Translate Chinese into English:

这条信息可靠吗? Is this information reliable?

他看上去是个仁慈可靠的人。 He 1ooks a nice.reliable mall.

我指望你帮我。 I rely on you to help me.

2. The man was fired. 那个人被解雇了。


(1) 解雇,开除

The company fired him for not coming to work on time. 那个公司因他不按时上班解雇了他。

(2) 发射

He fired his gun at the big snake. 他开枪打那条大蛇。

(3) 激发(人、感情等),使充满热情

The story fired his imagination. 这个故事激发了他的想象力。

3. The man faced difficulties.

(1) face v.t. 面临(困难等),应付, 面对;(危险、困难等)迫近

e.g. We must face our trouble and bear it. 我们必须正视我们的困难并勇于承受。


be faced with 面临,面对

face up to面对;承担

face the music接受(不愉快的后果或情况)

e.g. I was faced with a new problem.

She couldn’t face up to the fact that she was no longer young.


The boy was caught cheating in the examination and had to face the music.


(2) difficulty表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,表示“难题,难事”时用作可数名词。

e.g. She learned to speak English without difficulty. 她毫无困难地学会了讲英语。

We will face many difficulties in the future. 将来我们要面临许多难题。


fire vt

①.老板通知他一周后解雇。(fire sb) The boss ________him with one week’s notice.

②.屋里太暗了,点上火吧。(light a fire) It is too dark in the room .Let’s _____ _____ ____.

③.天很冷他们点火取暖。(make a fire) It’s so cold. They _____ _____ ____to keep warm.

④.谁放火烧了那座房子?(set sth on fire / set fire to sth ) Who ____ ___ ____the house?

⑤.他的衣服烧着了。( on fire ) His clothes were_______ _______.

⑥.According the Law of Labor, bosses can’t_________ workers at will any longer.

A. fire B. hire C. fire at D. employ

diffculty n

①.我费了好大的力气才说服了他。( have difficulty in doing sth)

I________ the greatest______ ______ ______her.

②.我费了九牛二虎之力完成了我的作业。(with difficulty )

I have finished my work_______ _____ ________.

③.我轻易解决了这问题。I solved the problem______ _________ ________.(without difficulty)

④.Do you have any difficulty ________English?

A.in B.at C.for D. with

⑤.At first,the government had great difficulty ______people to leave Rio and to settle In Brasilia.

A.persuading B.persuade C.with persuading D.to persuade

4. The man was generous.

generous adj. 慷慨的;大方的;宽容的;豁达的;丰富的,丰盛的

e.g. He is generous with his money. 他出手大方。

He gave me a generous lunch. 他请我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。

[链接] generous adv. 慷慨地 generosity n. 慷慨大方

The design of the writing on the Bb:

Unit 2 New Media

Five news media: website, radio, Tv, magazine, newspaper

Useful words and expressions: (step 3)


1. Read the new words.

2. Keep the Language Points in mind.

3. Get reading for Speaking

Record after teaching:

Period 2 Listening(WB page 88) & Speaking(SB page 10)

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ listening ability.

2. Train the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Master the useful words and expressions in this period

2. Training the Ss’listening and speaking ability

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to help improve their listening ability

How to help improve their speaking ability

Teaching Methods:

Listening-and answering activity to help the Ss qo through the listening material

Group work to make the Ss finish the speaking task

Teaching Aids: a computer, a recorder, the Bb

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Greet the whole class.

Step 2 Listening(WB page 88)

Now let’s come to the listening. The chief editor of a daily newspaper is having a meeting with the journalists. She is telling them what she wants them to do today. Listen carefully to what is said in the text. I’ll play the tape twice. (Check the answer with the whole class)

Step 3 Speaking(SB page 10)

Now it’s time for us to be a editor of a newspaper. Here is a list of ten things that happened today( on the screen)You only need to report five of them. Work in groups to diacuss. And then I’ll ask you t act out your dialogue. You can use the useful expressions in your book.. (walk around and give them help if necessary).

Step 4 Key Words and Expressions:

1. Below is a list of ten things that happened today. 以下列出了今天发生的十件事。

本句为倒装句,正常语序应为:A list of ten things that happened today is below.

below看作副词,表示方位,当表示方位的状语或表语位于句首时,句子采用全部倒装的结构,即把谓语动词的所有组成部分都移到主语之前。这类作状语或表语的词常见的有:away, down, in, off, out, over, up, above, below, here, there及介词短语与分词。

Here is a seat for you.这儿有你的一个座位。

There goes the bell!铃响了。

Written on the blackboard are the names of those who were late yesterday.黑板上写着昨天迟到的人的名字。

2. beat是打败了对手beat-beat-beaten

例句:①He beat me in the race.(他在赛跑中赢了我。)

②We have beaten their team for 3 years.(我们已连续3年打败他们的球队。)

③My heart beat fast at the sight of her.(一看见她,我的心跳就加快。)


win a prize得到奖品win a war打了胜仗

win a game赢得比赛win an election选举获胜

例句:①Our team won the same 3 to 2 last night.(昨晚我们队以3比2赢了比赛。)

②Who do you think will win the beauty contest?(你认为那场选美谁会获胜?)


3. France elected a new president.

elect v.t. 选举,推选

e.g. They elected a president. / They elected him as President. 他们选举了总统。/ 他们选举他为总统。


e.g. Our classmates elected him as/to be/our/as our monitor.

They elected the old man to be chairman of the club.他们推选那位老人为俱乐部主席。

[辨析] elect, pick out, choose


e.g. Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the U.S.A.罗斯福四次当选为美国总统。


e.g. We had to choose between leaving early and paying for a taxi.我们不得不在早点动身和雇计程车中间作出选择。

There are ten to choose from.

pick out比较通俗,指按个人喜好或希望进行挑选,多用于有行的东西。

e.g. She picked out a scarf to wear with the dress.她挑选了一条围巾以配上她穿的衣服。

4.Food prices are going up. 食品价格在上涨。

go up上升,增长,提高

e.g. The temperature has gone up.

The lift went up to the fourth floor. 电梯升到了四楼。

Vi phrases: go up;go down; fall; drop

Vt phrases: increase; bring up; bring down; cut down;

考题:Although the prices of TV set are______,he managed to make the manager_____the price of that TV set.

A.going up;bring down B.gone up;go down

C.going up;brought down D.going down;bring up

5.A house in your city burnt down. Nobody was injured.你们镇上一座房子被烧毁。无人员伤亡。

(1) burn down 烧毁;使烧毁【强调破坏性】;(由于燃料烧尽)火力减弱

These houses were burnt down to the ground. 这些房子被烧毁。

The fire is burning down, get some more coal please.

[比较] burn up烧尽,烧光【强调动作的结果】;(火,炉等)烧起来,旺起来

e.g. Put some wood on the fire and make it burn up.


1. Read the new words.

2. Keep the language points above in min


  小学数学总复习讲解及训练(十) 教案教学设计(人教新课标六年级下册)






Unit2 news media(人教版高三英语教案教学设计).docx









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2017年度幼儿园清明节扫墓活动通知, 又是一年清明时,到了缅怀革命先烈,弘扬烈士精神和爱国主义精神的时候。下面小编为大家整理了幼儿园清明节扫墓活动通知,希望对你有帮助。 2017年度幼儿园清明节扫墓活动通知【1】 尊敬的各位家长: 您好! 为了让幼儿了解清明节的来历,知道清明节的习俗,因此



