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近年雅思大作文范文题目 第一篇

Computers are widely used in education and somepeople think teachers are not playing an importantrole in classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


With more and more extensive use of computers ineducation, some people claim that the importanceattached to teachers has been , computers will replace teachers in theclassroom. However, it seems quite clear to me thatlearning from teachers is the most important waythat cannot be substituted for students.

Naturally, some people maintain that computer should instead of the old way of education. Theyhold that the strong function of the computer offers a new mode of education, which is moreinteresting, more vivid and more acceptable by children. The students will not face to theserious teachers and calm classes any more, which are replaced by a brand-new world offeredby the Internet. In addition, this can decrease the investment on the foundational educationand save the human resources and material resources.

As an assistant, computers do help teachers with their work, but they can never replace theimportant role of a real teacher. The main functions of any computer are storage andcalculation. It cannot think on its own anyway. All the teaching data stored in computers arethe essence of teaching experience generalized by many teachers during their work. Hence, toassist education, what a computer can do is just to repeat the contents summarized by realteachers.

In addition, each student has different talents and different defects, and accordingly, they maycome across various problems during their study. Computer programmer designing thesoftware, however, cannot predict these problems. Therefore, a single computer can neversolve these problems without a teacher’s guidance

Furthermore, if the significance of teacher has been weakened, the number of teachers may bedecreased, that is to say, many teachers may be laid-off. If such a case comes to reality, seriesof social problems will break out, such as the drop of working opportunity which will surelymake the burden of whole society become heavier and heavier.


Computers are widely used in education and somepeople think teachers are not playing an importantrole in classroom. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Computer, as the most powerful tool in 21 century,is widely used in education areas. Whethercomputers can instead of teachers become acontroversial issue. From my point, I don’t thinkcomputers can take the place of teachers.

First and foremost, computer cannot communicatewith students. Every human being has are not only teaching students knowledge but also showing their loves to studentswhen they are teaching. How to have a conversation with others and how to take care ofothers can be learned from teachers. For example, teacher can take you to the hospital whenyou are sick. In comparison, computers cannot likely to it.

Secondly, computers cannot help students when the get confused. Asking teachers is the bestway to do when students get any quires. However, computers do not have this is a two-way process, teachers can excite students’ imaginations and fire their creations.

Last but not least, computers cannot organize teaching activities instead of teachers. TakeEngland as an example, students need to do a lot of practical experiments, especially in physicsand chemistry. When they do these experiments, students usually work together as a groupand discuss with teachers. Team work is a very important part to shape students’ personalities.

From what has been discussed above, we might safely say that computers can never take theplace of teachers. We should always remember that human beings are the host of technologyand computer is a machine no matter how clever it is!

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第二篇























































近年雅思大作文范文题目 第三篇

Nowadays, in most cities across the globe, many people opt to live in big apartment buildings. In my opinion, this type of accommodation has far more benefits than drawbacks. Let me explain in more detail.

To begin with, one of the main advantages of big apartment buildings is that they help in lowering housing prices. As more and more people move to cities for a better life, city authorities will struggle to accommodate them if they don’t build large apartment buildings.

For instance, the Japanese city of Tokyo tackled the problem of high housing prices by building big apartment buildings. As a result, Tokyo has now one of the cheapest housing prices in the world. All in all, big apartment buildings help stabilize the housing markets.

Another benefit of big apartment buildings is that they help people come together as communities. It is very easy for them to socialize and make friends as they live closer to each other. For example, in 20_, a survey which was conducted in Australia found that people who live in apartment buildings are more sociable than those who live in houses and other types of accommodation. Also they experience less loneliness than people living in standalone houses. In addition, apartments are safer and have a lot of amenities that houses do not have. For example, they may have club houses, swimming pools and gyms.

To sum up, I strongly believe that big apartment buildings have more benefits than drawbacks. They make housing more affordable and bring people together.

http:// many cities the use of video cameras in public places is being increased in order to reduce crime, but some people believe that these measures restrict our individual freedom.Do the benefits of increased security outweigh the drawbacks?

It is true that video surveillance has become commonplace in many cities in recent years. While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that the benefits do outweigh the drawbacks.

There are two main reasons why people might disapprove of the use of video cameras in public places. The first objection is that these cameras invade our privacy, in the sense that we are constantly being watched by the authorities or by private security firms. Many people find this intrusive and feel that the recording of their movements is a form of state control that curtails their individual freedom. The second argument against the proliferation of CCTV cameras is that they are being used as an alternative to police officers patrolling the streets. If this is indeed happening, then it is unlikely that members of the public will feel safer.

In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, I believe that the use of video cameras to monitor public areas is a positive measure. The key objective of video surveillance is to deter criminals and to prevent crime. For example, petty criminals like shoplifters and pickpockets are less likely to operate in parts of cities where they know that they are being watched. At the same time, when crimes are committed, the police can use video evidence to catch and prosecute offenders. Therefore, in my view, video cameras offer valuable support to police officers, and they make cities safer for inhabitants, workers and visitors alike.

In conclusion, it seems to me that we gain more than we lose from the enhanced security that CCTV cameras bring to our cities.

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第四篇

We live in an age of electronic communication, and the Internet does help us in a lot of ways. Yet the fact that we have computers and smartphones readily available does not mean that we do not need face-to-face communication any more.

Electronic technology has dramatically changed the ways we shop, work and communicate and has brought about a myriad of benefits. From emails to instant messaging to Skype to social media, the Internet has made our communication faster and easier than ever before. Besides, the cost of the Internet communication is significantly lower than the traditional means of communication like face-to-face meetings. The technology connects us to our online suppliers, colleagues in the workplace, families and friends from all over the globe for just a small fraction of the cost required of an offline meeting.

That being said, scientific evidence is mounting that the advent of digital technology is having a detrimental effect on interpersonal relationships. Everything from body language and facial expressions to attentiveness and engagement can indicate different thoughts and feelings—each of which can only be truly observed through face-to-face communication. So, despite the clear upsides of digital communication, there are circumstances under which there is no substitute for face-to-face communication. Meanwhile, the complete dependence on the Internet for communication may result in the sense of alienation and depression which will keep us apart from the rest of the real world.

In conclusion, it is necessary to balance those Internet interactions with face-to-face communication. It is hard to say how far the Internet would go, but face-to-face communication has not yet been and never will be replaced by technology.(274 words)

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第五篇

20_年7月28日雅思写作真题小作文 :The chart shows the percentage of boys and girls who participate in different sports activities in 20_.男女生在6项运动里参与的人数比例。

这道小作文题目毫无难度,考生们只要注意到了这是参与的人的比例,而不是人数即可。重点写到这是六种运动的流行性或者吸引力即可:popularity of six kinds of sports for boys and girls.这次考试的图形为最常见的柱图,首先要注意的动静态的区分及写作重点的不同,同时在分析分段的时候,两种项目之间要分析按照哪种项目分段比较有利于我们的细节比较,再之后用另一种项目进行总结即可。图形比较的简单,详略度上也要注意


Given is a bar making a comparison in the proportion of two genders who take part in the six physical activities in 20_.

From what can be seen, girls had the greatest enthusiasm for swimming with a percentage of 13%, at the same time, figures for tennis and basketball were also significant, at 8% and 7% respectively. In contrast, female teenagers showed lowest interests in cricket and netball, at an equal proportion of 2%.

On the other hand, as for the counterpart of girls, 20% and 18% (highest proportion) of boys played football and netball in 20_, which is followed by those of swimming and cricket at above 10%. However, people in this group involving in basketball and tennis accounted for the least, just below 10%.

Overall, the involvement of boys, compared with that of girls, in sports is generally higher and gaps in cricket, netball and football between two sexes are most noticeable.


making a comparison genders

physical activities greatest enthusiasm for

lowest interests in counterpart

followed by involving in gaps most noticeable

20_年8月2日雅思图表小作文真题范文 动态线形图

20_年8月2日雅思小作文 线图The graph shows the producton of main fuels in UK between 1986 and 20_.



The line graph illustrates how the amount of three primary fuels generated had changed in the UK during 14 years spanning from 1986 to 20_.

From 1986 to 1995, we can see that petroleum was a dominant resource, with its production standing at 120 in 1986. Then there was a significant rise in the following years and after peaking at 140 in 1991, the production dropped considerably down to the 1986 figure. A reversed trend could be seen in coal, with its generation starting from 110 and ending with roughly 90 in 1995. It is natural gas that remained the least and the most stable at around 60 over the time frame.

During the remaining five year, a particular rise could be seen in petroleum, shooting up to almost 150 in 20_ while coal underwent a dramatic fall to about 60. Natural gas had gained more popularity, exceeding coal in 1996 and finally becoming the second leading resource in this country with 120 of total production.

In brief, petrol and natural gas were the leading energy while coal had lost its dominance over this period.


线型图一般考察3-6条线的变化趋势,时间多数为过去,有时候较复杂会包含过去,现在及将来预测。该题目审题不难,时间为1986至20_, 时态为一般过去时或者过去完成时。地点为英国,具体内容为3种主要能源的生产。该题主要解题思路有两种:1. 按照能源划分,各自描述变化趋势,最后做对比;2. 按照时间段划分,比如1986-1995,1995-20_分开描述。数字单位不详。

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第六篇

There is a strange trend that while some people have to struggle to fight hunger,many consumers, especially in some developed countries, throw away as much as half of the food they purchase from shops and restaurants. Both overbuying and food spoilage are two principal drivers of the food waste.


Buying food way more than people really need without detailed plan contributes to food loss. This is mainly because with marketing ploy becoming so attractive and lucrative , most consumers are more likely to do impulse and bulk food purchases especially when retailers sell unusual production and provide different tempting sales promotion so as to lure their clients to buy their products. What is worse, the food bought in shops and restaurants, in most cases, hardly fit into their regular meal plans and therefore spoil before they can be consumed. With income rising to unforeseen levels, diners now seem to increase their portion sizes significantly than ever before , and thus leave some of their meals uneaten , and make half of edible leftovers left at the restaurants, an extravagant consumerism that must be discouraged.


Food spoilage is also responsible for this negative trend. After snapping up food in shops and restaurants, most of food have to be stored yet due to improper storage, lack of visibility in refrigerators, partially used ingredients and misjudged food needs, some food probably become less nutritious,inedible, or even rotten so that they have to be discarded before being used instead.


Different organisations should assume the responsibility for changing the way people consume the food they buy. Government could make laws to force shops and restaurants to sell a reasonable amount of food according to the average level;otherwise they will be fined seriously and even face criminal responsibility. At the same time, consumers themselves must raise the awareness that they had better not only buy food rationally and reasonably but also be frugal. In other words, what is by far most important is that they need to eat responsibly. As long as they consume food properly, the food waste will be prevented and even eliminated.


To sum up, the reason why people waste too much food is over-consumption and improper storage and the fundamental solution lies in empowering and encouraging consumers to change their way of eating food.



原题是:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and .


题目:The bar chart below shows the number of visitors to the main attractions in a European country in 1981, 1991 and 20_.



注意题目的改写:’in 1981、1991 and 200’ 一共二十年的时间,可以改写为20-year- period或者two decades.




首先可以从人数最多的central amusement park开始描述其二十年的趋势;

呈上升趋势的:national park; national gallery (每十年就几乎又一倍的增长);

呈下降趋势的:science park;

无明显趋势变化:central zoo


The bar charts give information about how many travelers have visited five tourist destinations in a European country and how this number has changed in two decades.


It is noticeable that Central amusement park was the most attractive tourist spot with 25 million people visiting in 1981. Though this figure dropped to 20 million in 1991, it reclined to 22 million a decade later. Another noticeable finding is that in one decade (1981-1991), the number of people visiting the National Park witnessed a dramatical increase from 10 million to 15 million. This climb slowed down in the next decade with an increase of only 2 million people.

值得注意的是,中央游乐园是1981年最具吸引力的旅游景点,有2500万游客。虽然这个数字在1991年下降到2 000万人,但十年后又下降到2 200万人。另一项值得注意的发现是,在十年内(1981-1991年),参观国家公园的人数从1 000万急剧增加到1 500万。在接下来的十年里,这一增长速度放缓,只增加了200万人。

A similar trend has been found in the increase of travelers to the National Gallery. In 1981, only 7 million people chose to visit that attraction. However, this figure was almost doubled in 10-years’ time. It continued to grow under the similar speed, in 20_, more than 20 million people have visited the National Gallery.


The figure has shown little change in the Science Park. In 1981, only 7 million people have visited that place. After experiencing a slight increase, the number continued to drop and reached 6 million in 20_. Similarly, the figure for Central Zoo remained stable, with just 5 million of visitors going there for two decades, which makes it the least attractive tourist spot for people.


201月17日雅思大作文写作7分范文 对于食物的浪费问题,我们应该怎样解决

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第七篇


It is expected that there will be a higher proportion of older people than young people in many countries in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?



older people

“老年人”有很多说法,这个词在文章中肯定会多次出现,因此一定要做好同义替换准备。elderly people, the elderly, pensioners, senior citizens都可以,但要少用old people. ageing society (.) / aging society (.)





1. Surveys show that in many countries, people are living longer but increased life expectancy has many implications for the aging individuals and for society as a whole. What are the possible effects of longer living for individuals and society?

2. Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to the new generation, companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do you agree or disagree?

5. Some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of population who are aged 15 and younger. What is your opinion of the current and future effects it may have in those countries?

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第八篇

Modern people are living a disposable lifestyle in which the discarding of products that have not been used for a longer period of time is the norm. This essay will discuss why this is happening and what issues will be caused. There are two factors responsible for this trend. One of them is the rapid advancement of technology. Since the first Industrial Revolution, technology has been developing at an alarming rate, leading to the fact that products are becoming cheaper to manufacture and purchase, which makes it highly possible for consumers not to value what they possess compared with people decades ago. Another reason is that people are living in a consumer society which encourages purchases. In order to have a high selling volume to generate high profits, consumer psychology is used by merchants to design a range of tempting advertisements .Therefore, surrounded by such attractive information, people cannot help but to dump old products and buy new ones. This human behaviour, however, is likely to exert negative influences. For one thing, the environment is detrimentally impacted. With an increasing number of products thrown away, different parts need to be dealt with, but whatever method is employed, pollution is still caused. For example, landfill will take up massive areas of land, and some substances will not degrade for centuries. Also, incineration generates carbon dioxide, which damages the air quality. For another, keeping on throwing away old products and buying new items means that a great amount of money has to be spent. If this continues and people are unable to make enough money, they will find their life unaffordable. Some people make use of creditcards, but end up living in debts. In conclusion, the formation of a throw-away society is attributed to a jump in technological development and the appearance of a consumer society. Such a society, however, maylead to environmental degradation and a big financial burden on people’s daily life.

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第九篇

It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. I completely agree that this kind of _____ would be a good idea.

It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. In my opinion, it would be wrong to _____ teenagers to do any kind of_____ work.

It is sometimes argued that high school students should be made to do some work in their local communities. While I disagree with the idea of making such programmes compulsory, I do believe that _____ community service could benefit young people.

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第十篇


When people visit other countries they often find the customsof dressing and behavior are different than in their home country. Should visitors adopt the customs of the country they visit or should they follow the customs of their own country?


Many people wonder what to do when they visit other countries. Some people think it is best for them to adopt the local customs. However, other people think it is best to follow the customs of their own countries. This is not an easy question to answer but in this essaywe will look at this issue.

Some things that visitors may do are immoralor even illegal according to the customs of the local country. For example, in certain countries it is considered bad to show affection in public like men and women kissing or holding hands. It may also be very bad for women to wear revealing clothing such as a short skirt or see-through blouse. In these countries it may also be illegalto drink alcohol.

Adopting to the local customs can show respect. Wearing a suit and tie can show respect if that is what the people of the country wear at a meeting or formalevent. Men will take their hat off or women will cover their heads to show respect when entering a holy place.

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第十一篇


1. 在生活中,有一些“声音”时时与我们相伴、像父母的叮嘱、老师的教导、朋友的安慰...你印象最深的“声音”是什么?它使你想起了哪些往事?又使你领悟到什么道理?请你围绕自己最难忘的“声音”选择合适的材抖,写一篇500字以上的记实作文,表达出自已的真情实感。题目自拟。要求:L中心明确,内容具体,结构完整,语言通顺。2.书写工整,卷面整洁,不写错别字。3.文中不要出现真实的校名、人名。

阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾 (

2. 生活中的一些小事,常常会使我们领悟到做人的道理。相信你也曾经有过这样的经历和感悟。请以“成长中的一件事”为题,写一篇记叙文。要求:必须通过一件具体的事来表现中心,表达真情实感。字数不少于500字。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

3. 题目:我的闪光点


4. 材料: 我们班报名参加全校的板报评比,同学们都积极出谋献策。我经过充分准备,提出自己的设计方案。在大家的努力下,我们的板报获得了一等奖。

要求:1.自拟题目. (写在第一行) 2.把所给材料扩写成一篇不少于500字约记叙文。2.围绕中心,内容具体,语句通顺,书写工整。提示:可以写大家出谋献策的情景,也可以写“我”准备的过程、设计的'方案。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

5. 题目:这也是课堂

材料:幼年的我,知道有桌有椅的教室就是课堂,上了小学的我,了解了教室外的操场也是课堂,如今的我,懂得了生活处处是课堂。 今天,我在这里亲身经历了这件事,真是获益匪浅。这也是课堂!

提示和要求: 1.联系日常生活体验,想想“这”指什么地方,“我”经历了怎祥的一件事,“我”有什么收获。2.用上提供的材料,把《这也是课堂》这篇记叙文写具体、完整,字数五六百字。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

6. 题目:理解

材料: 周末,我们的家庭“战争”叉一次爆发了。 “为什么总是我的错,难道你们做大人的都是对的吗?”说着,我气冲冲地跑回自己的房间,“砰”地一声关上了房门,一头扑到床土,任泪水从眼角流下来。....

要求:1.请你依据标题“理解”,用提供的材料作开头,续写成一篇记叙文,续写部分不少f500字。2.展开合理的想象,恰当地运用叙述、描写、议论等表达方式。3.中心明确,内容具体,文从字顺。.认真书写,卷面整洁。阅读以上考试题,你的解题思路是什麽?列写作提纲 写出开头和结尾

近年雅思大作文范文题目 第十二篇

Generally, it is thought that the government has the ability and obligation to tackle environmental problems, while individuals' contributions seem to be very small. However, I believe that if the general public could be mobilized to join the campaign of environmental protection, better results would be achieved.

There is no doubt that, to protect the environment, the government plays a leading role by making policies, allocating funds and enforcing laws. However, without the participation of the general public, these measures could be futile in some cases. For example, establishing a forest park or a nature reserve may conflict with the interests of local people and they may oppose such a policy. So the first step is perhaps for the government to raise people's awareness of protecting their own homeland and persuade them to stop cutting down trees or poaching wild animals.

It is also said that the power of a single person is minimal, which is true to some extent, but with millions of individuals involved to take action, the effect would be huge. For instance, if every person could save a glass of water, the total amount saved would be considerable in a middle-sized city. Another example is air pollution in the urban area, which can be effectively addressed by encouraging people to take public transport. If individuals could give up driving private cars, the air quality would be obviously improved.

In conclusion, the government should make people realize that, with the effort of every person combined, they can make a difference in creating a better environment. Only by doing this, can we tackle the existing environmental problems and achieve sustainable development.(273 words)


tackle 解决

obligation 义务

nature reserve 自然保护区

mobilize 动员

futile 徒劳的

allocating 分配

雅思a类图表小作文9分范文盛宴 柱状图题型:交通事故

The chart below shows numbers of incidents and injuries per 100 million passenger miles travelled (PMT) by transportation type in .



The bar chart compares the number of incidents and injuries for every 100 million passenger miles travelled on five different types of public transport in 20_.

It is clear that the most incidents and injuries took place on demand-response vehicles. By contrast, commuter rail services recorded by far the lowest figures.

A total of 225 incidents and 173 injuries, per 100 million passenger miles travelled, took place on demand-response transport services. These figures were nearly three times as high as those for the second highest category, bus services. There were 76 incidents and 66 people were injured on buses.

Rail services experienced fewer problems. The number of incidents on light rail trains equalled the figure recorded for buses, but there were significantly fewer injuries, at only 39. Heavy rail services saw lower numbers of such events than light rail services, but commuter rail passengers were even less likely to experience problems. In fact, only 20 incidents and 17 injuries occurred on commuter trains.(165 words, band 9)






近年雅思大作文范文题目 第十三篇



1. You are an university student who are living in the accommodation at the campus. One day you find something wrong with your accommodation. So you write a letter to the House Officer to tell them what happened, the reason you think, what you decide to do, and whether if it is right.

2. It is wrong that our government pay more money to the artist projects, for instance, there are more and more paintings and sculptures appearing at the public places, because there are more important thing to do. What's you opinion? Do you agree or disagree with it?

3. writing to an English speaking college about qualification, accommodation, fee, what courses do you want to choose and why.

4. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical condition and social development.

5. You have left college. But you didn't say goodbye to your friend who live in the room with you because he had a course at that time. Write a letter to him to appology and tell hem how you spend that days before you leave and how you get home. Then invite him to visit you.

6. Some people say the parents should except school to conduct their children's behavior and tell them what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Others say schools should take this responsibility. Please give your point about it.

7. Write to the agency officer and complain about the rent car which has sth wrong. Tell them the problems of the car you rent from the agency and your requiring.

8. As the developing countries and the third world countries, there are a funds, how to use it? Invest in the basic education or in the high-technology, for instance, computer? What's your opinion?

9. You are a foreign student. Write to the Student Union, introduce your hobbies and interests and ask information of clubs and societies. You want to join a club or society enjoy your time when you study there.

10. Fast food is developing more and more popular. It replaces other traditional food. Some people think it is good, some people disagree with it. What's your opinion about it. Give some reason of your opinion.

11. A friend will visit Beijing. You will meet him at airport. But for some reason, you have to be late. Explain the reason. Since you haven't meet each other, tell the friend where you will meet and how to recognize each other.

12. More and more children's writing & math ability are affected by computers and calculators. We should limit the use of those tools. Disagree or agree.

13. you have broke your leg and have to stayed in hospital. you received many cards and letters from your classmates. write a letter to tell them your detail of your position and thank them at the same time.

14. some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. they also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

15. Your friend write to you and tell you that he is hesitating to chose computer or history as his major in university. Write to him and tell him your opinion.

16. Participating in a sport is as important for psychological health as it is for physical conditions and social development.

17. You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your things without asking you. Write a








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