
更新时间:2024-01-15 10:06:51 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx


What are the differences between special food in China and other countries?

Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special times or on special occasions?

Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?

Do you think it’s good to communicate when eating with your family?


You should say

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you got the cake from

And explain why it’s a special cake

When talking about this topic, the first one that comes to my mind must be the cake that my friends gave me last year.

At that time, I found my first job/internship(学生可以用第二个). I shared this piece of news with some of my friends and they congratulated me. We knew each other when we were in primary school. After that, I invited them to my home to celebrate it. It was a kind of tradition for us. We were used to having dinner together if one of us had good news.

However, we hadn’t sent any gifts to each other except for our birthday, so I was surprised when they bought a cake for me. They said going to the workplace meant I must be mature and had to undertake responsibility as an adult, but in their heart, I was still a child that loved sweet food.

In terms of the reason why it is special, first, it is a reflection of the love from my friends. When I look back on it, I feel that I am cherished by many people, which gives me the courage to face difficulties when I am upset. Apart from this, the design of the cake was my favorite. It was a cream cake decorated with strawberries and a figure made of chocolate. The figure was my favorite writer Jane Austen whose works inspired me when I was at a low ebb. Therefore, this cake is special for.


1. What are the differences between special food in China and other countries?

Chinese people like to endow special meaning to the food because the name of it sounds like health and wealth in Chinese word. For example, tofu as well as beans symbolizes longevity and prosperity in Chinese culture. However, special food from foreign countries pays more attention on the raw material itself.

2. Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special times or on special occasions?

Of course--on spring festival--it is a tradition for family members come together and make dumplings together. --different people take in charge of different processes. -- I mean, one people is assigned to mix the meat and the rest of them are expected to make the dumplings-- it is meaningful for us because dumpling itself means good luck--besides, it provides a good chance for people to exchange the life of separation.

3. Why are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?

Well, this is definitely because that they think meals deserve.

4. Do you think it’s good to communicate when eating with your family?

Most Chinese do not think it is polite for people to eat while communicating. It is a precious chance for family member to union. --they can exchange the days of separation--otherwise, there is no time for them to discuss with each other---and communication plays the most important part in a harmonious family because it can avoid a lot of quarrel.



1. Do people in your country like to eat at home? 你们国家的人喜欢在家做饭吃吗?

Well, I don't think it's a good idea to paint all people living in my country with the same brush as, to my mind, what they like, first of all, depends on their mood, preferences and finances. I would say many people do like to eat at home 'cause, on the one hand, it saves their time and money and, on the other hand, lets them enjoy nutritious and healthy food. What is more, it brings family together, lets people control their and avoid food poisoning. But there are various reasons for people to opt for going out too. Let's say, they don't time to cook or, what is worse, don’t know how to do it. Some people just don't like to cook for themselves or enjoy only the feeling of eating food that someone else has made. Being at a restaurant also appeals to people because it invites them to interact with others in a social way, which adds to eating occasions, making them more enjoyable.

2. What's the difference between having meals at home and at a restaurant? 在家和在餐馆吃饭有什么不同吗?

Well, to my mind, it's much faster L cheaper to eat at home, so the first difference is that having meals at h' saves us time and money. What is homemade food is more nutritious and homemade food is more nutritious and healthy, which lets us control our weight and avoid food poisoning. One more thing that appeals to home cooking is the fact that it brings family together letting all family members enjoy both a delicious meal and communication with each other. As far as having meals at a restaurant is concerned, it makes life easier and more pleasant. People can enjoy the flexibility of choosing an eating whatever is offered on the menu. They don't need either to cook or clean ye. They can take pleasure in food itself as well as in the outing and event eating out.

3. How often do people in your country like to eat out? 你们国家的人多久会外出聚餐呢?

Well, eating out is more or less affordable in my country 'cause it's relatively cheap, so a lot of people do go to restaurants time and again. Some people do it quite often, I can even say almost every day either for business or for pleasure because they like a varied menu cafes and restaurants offer or just want to relax after a hard day at work enjoying not only the meal itself but also a pleasant atmosphere. Others do so quite seldom either because they think it's appropriate only for special occasions and celebrations or bee, they prefer to save money for something more important like travelling or making a big purchase.

4. Why do some people like to eat alone? 为什么一些人喜欢一个人吃饭?

Oh, I guess they enjoy solo dining for various reasons. For some people eating alone is the only way to be totally on their own enjoying their own company as well as the peace and quiet of a nice setting. For others it's a perfect way of focusing on the dining experience taking their time to savor the food. It's also some kind of freedom for people as it gives them such benefits as ordering whatever strikes their fancy without opinions or influence from fellow diners, choosing how to spend their time while waiting for food either by reading a book or gazing the window, eating in any manner want or ordering the most expensive dish on the menu without feeling guilty.

6. Are there any disadvantages of eating outside? 外出吃饭有什么缺点吗?

Well, I think everything has both advantages and disadvantages and eating out is not an exception. The first thing that usually puts people off eating outside is that it costs a lot more than making food at home. Another unpleasant factor, to my mind, is that it can be unhealthy. I mean eating out is typically less nutritious than eating in. What is more, many restaurant meals are portioned excessively or just higher in calories, which is not under our control because of a limited ability to know food ingredients.


Describe a cake that is special to you.

You should say:

What kind of cake it is

When you ate it

Whom you ate it with

And explain why you think the cake is special

What kind of special food do Chinese people like to eat on festivals?

What’s the difference between the food northerners like to eat and that southerners like to eat in your country?


I would like to talk about one of my best friends’ birthday party last year, which was an unforgettable occasion to me because of a really special cake.

While I do not have a sweet tooth, most of my friends are big fans of confections. I guess some of them can even be called ‘sweet addicts’. Anyway, that’s why they decided to make a red velvet cake as a birthday gift for Kelly, one of my best friends in high school. Since it was for Kelly, I rolled up my sleeves and gave them a hand despite my limited baking skills.

It took us three days to complete the baking, and the moment Kelly saw the nicely baked cake decorated with flowers, she was totally in awe, since none of us ‘bakers’ was actually a decent cook. The truth is, it was not easy for a group of green hands to get together and try making this work. We first had a big fight over whether we should make Kelly a Choco Lave cake or a red velvet cake. The fight has been on for a whole day and we finally decided to make her the latter because she once said that red velvet cake looked cute. I can’t remember how many times there were when someone accidentally messed up with the eggs, or forgot to take the cake out of the oven. After times of failing, we finally managed to have baked a lovely red velvet cake that smells really nice. The cream was rich and the color was just about right. To be honest, it somehow reminded me of a rose in spring. Well, I guess I was just being too happy about what we had achieved.

On Kelly’s birthday party, we shared the cake with a whole bunch of other guests, and everyone there agreed it was delicious. A bit oversweet though, probably because some of us had put too much sugar in it. In spite of this, Kelly said she loved it as much as she loved us, and the cake was the best birthday gift she ever received. Well, I have to admit that, her words had made it all worthwhile and special.















实用范文 2023-12-11



实用范文 2023-12-11



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实用范文 2023-12-11