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英语牛奶的书写格式范文 第一篇

The country maid and her milk jug a country maid was walking with a can of milk on her head. At this time, she fell into a kind of meditation: _the money I sell this milk can increase my egg stock to 300 times that of eggs, because these eggs may go bad or be destroyed by pests. At least 250 chickens can be transported to the market when poultry are always very expensive In the new year, I can afford to buy a new dress.

Let me think about it. Green has become the best green color of my skin. In this dress, I will go to the fair of all the young people, and I will try to make me a partner, but I will refuse every one of them and turn around contemptuously.

_With this thought, she can't help thinking with her head. When the milk can falls down, the thoughts that flash through her brain and all her imaginary happiness disappear in an instant.



英语牛奶的书写格式范文 第二篇

A glass of milk was the first day of the new term. I got up early and checked my wintcr homework before I went to school. When I was busy sorting books, my father came in with a glass of milk in his hand.

_Drink it up,_ the father said to me, _I'm too anxious. I don't know if the milk is hot. I take a sip and cry with the sound of broken glass.

_What's the matter?_ Father anxiously asked: _you didn't tell me that the milk is so hot, I was scalded and blistered._ _Oh, it's my fault. Are you ok?_ My father turned to the kitchen and he was sure I didn't have a big deal. _There are still some in the kitchen.

I'll get them for you. I'll be back soon._ I was very angry with my father and said, _I won't be scalded again._ then I put everything I wanted in my bag and wanted to go to school without breakfast, but when I turned around, my father was pouring milk from one cup to another _Don't worry, skipping breakfast is harmful to your health,_ said the father, who repeatedly said, _don't worry. Skipping breakfast is harmful to your health._ an apology smile came into my eyes.

How rude I was just now and how I regretted that I took the cup from my father's hand and kept drinking a cup. How good a father I am.



英语牛奶的书写格式范文 第三篇

Non-fat (fat-free,skim) Milk 脱脂牛奶:减肥减脂好伙伴,牛奶的英语单词书写格式,脂肪含量不高于,但是喝起来相对较淡而无味,cake英语单词图片。


你好!milk 英[mɪlk] 美[mɪlk]n. 奶; 母乳; 乳液;vt. 挤奶; 榨取;[例句]He popped out to buy a pint of milk.他匆匆出门去买一品脱牛奶。

Half-and-Half 半奶油半鲜奶:一半全脂鲜奶一半鲜奶油的成分,脂肪含量介于两者之间,约在10-18%左右。因为其较浓稠的质地不适合直接饮用,而是用来加咖啡、茶、花式饮料以及做点心之用。

而常见到另一种 Nonfat half-and-half 则是把脱脂牛奶混上玉米糖浆和浓稠剂,以达到类似的口感质地。

Creamer 奶精/奶油球:喝咖啡或红茶时,有些人习惯加香甜的奶精,市面上最常见的产品就是雀巢咖啡伴侣 (Coffee-Mate)。奶精完全无牛奶成份,而是由一些加工品制成的仿真食品,英语单词卡片 配图,也因为不含乳制品 (Non-dairy Creamer),因此也不含乳糖。

milk 音标:英 [mɪlk] 美 [mɪlk]释义:1、n. 牛奶;乳状物 2、vt. 榨取;挤…的奶 3、vi. 挤奶 4、n. (Milk)人名;(英)米尔克 例句:The dog quickly lapped up the milk in the saucer。

英语牛奶的书写格式范文 第四篇

英 [milk] 美 [mɪlk]

milk 英 [mɪlk] 美 [mɪlk] n. 牛奶;乳状物 vt. 榨取;挤…的奶 vi. 挤奶 n. (Milk)人名;(英)米尔克 短语 soy milk 豆奶 ; 豆乳 ; 大豆奶 condensed milk 炼奶 ; [食品] 炼乳 ; 甜炼乳 ; 浓缩乳 milk的近义词: lait 英 [leɪt] n..。

牛奶的英语:milk,发音: [mɪlk] 扩展资料 词性:n. 牛奶;乳状物;vt. 榨取;挤…的奶;vi. 挤奶;n. 人名。短语:milk powder 奶粉 in milk 在出奶时期的 fresh milk 鲜牛。

牛奶的英文单词 一、milk[mɪlk] n. 牛奶;乳状物 vt. 榨取;挤…的奶 vi. 挤奶 n. (Milk)人名;(英)米尔克 例句 sway of the pail caused some milk to spill out . 泼出来一些牛奶。 weather often turns milk sour . 打..。


英语牛奶的书写格式范文 第五篇

A country girl was walking with a can of milk on her head. At this time, she fell into a kind of meditation. The money I paid for selling milk could increase my egg stock to 300.

These eggs could make those things that might go bad or be destroyed by pests. At least 250 chickens could be produced. These chickens were transported to the market at a time when poultry were expensive In the new year, I can afford to buy a new dress.

Green let me think about it. Green is the most suitable color for my skin. It should be green.

I wear this dress to the market, where all the young people will try to make me a partner, but noe will refuse every one of them and turn around contemptuously. _Influenced by this thought, she couldn't help but use her head to move the thoughts that flashed through her mind. The milk can fell off and her imaginary happiness disappeared in an instant.



英语牛奶的书写格式范文 第六篇

Cattle, cattle, calves, cattle, yak, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle, cattle Tanniu Genxi Holstein Frisen Zesi red and white dairy cow Swiss brown cattle Angus cattle Charolais cattle drought mashereford Limousin cattle dual purpose cattle China Red grassland Danish Red Cattle Sanhe cattle Dechang buffalo Mulla buffalo nilavi buffalo Chinese cattle Bohai black cattle Jinnan Luxi Mongolian Cattle Nanyang Cattle Qinchuan cattle Yanbian Yellow Cattle.










热门标签: 格式 英语






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