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影视行业目标描述范文英文 第一篇

In the past few decades, there has been great progress in the field of science and technology. Many new inventions become more familiar to us and easier to obtain at any time. These new devices make a lot of things easier.

The world around us has suddenly changed. For example, almost everyone is using mobile phones today, so when you meet a new person, their mobile phone number Code is the basic information you can get about them, but mobile phones have disadvantages and advantages. You're always in touch, and anyone who knows your phone can contact you.

You can talk to them, text, send pictures and use many other features. Now most mobile phone service providers have GPRS, edge or 3G networks, so you can send and receive e-mail, keep up-to-date, and get the exact location to the market, hotel or any other place you need You may be in a place where there is no network, your battery may be empty, the provider's network may be overloaded, your call may suddenly stop, or your phone may be out of order. It is certainly harmful to your health to use the phone for a long time without interruption.

There are some studies on the radiation of mobile phones Radiation is not that erous unless you're on the phone all the time, but even if you don't use it very often, it can still damage your hearing, especially if you're a phone call with loud music in your headphones.


影视行业目标描述范文英文 第二篇

Hayao Miyazaki is a Japanese film director, producer, screenwriter, animator, writer and comic artist. He is also the co-founder of the film and Animation Studio Ghibli studio. As an excellent storyteller and producer of animated feature films, Hayao Miyazaki is recognized as one of the greatest animation directors in Japan His interesting plots, fascinating characters and amazing animation in the film have won him international fame and public recognition in the Japanese animation industry.


影视行业目标描述范文英文 第三篇

Fucki saw a movie called biohazard it, which is a horror movie. Its story tells the story of a biological and chemical disaster caused by a virus. A city is destroyed by zombies.

Last year, the government used nuclear weapons, but the biochemical disaster continues. This story may not be possible, but it tells us that science can't use it in this way. Human beings may be smart, but we don't To control everything, our science must be in the right way, otherwise it will bring us a lot of disasters, even death.

I learned a lot from this movie.



影视行业目标描述范文英文 第四篇

Feng Xiaogang, born in an ordinary family in Beijing, is one of the most famous directors and actors in China. He loves the film industry and works very hard. He has acted in many films and won many awards.

He is very maternal. He thinks his mother is a great woman. Over the years, he has come to Fangchenggang to plan and direct large-scale sea themed live performance for Fangchenggang This introduces Feng Xiaogang.



影视行业目标描述范文英文 第五篇

Foreign films can be divided into several categories. Different types will have different differences. I know that China is the central director system, and the United States is the producer centered system.

This determines the main form of Chinese film director's thought. While American films are more about watching films, and so on, in order to cater to the audience and make more commercial films.



影视行业目标描述范文英文 第六篇

My favorite movie is _war horse_. It is about a horse that I bought a boy. Unfortunately, the boy had to go to the battlefield at last.

The horse and the boy met again. I watched this film with my parents at home. It really moved me because I am also an animal lover.

It's so sweet that the horse and the boy meet again. It also shows that animals have feelings of love and hate, so I don't think human beings should do cruel things to animals for no reason, such as torture and killing.










热门标签: 目标 英文







礼仪范文 2023-03-31



祝福短信 2023-03-31



日常祝福语 2023-03-31


1、 守了这么多年的单身,终于在这个十分特别的光棍节里又加了一年,就好像新闻联播看了几十年,愣是没看到大结局一样。所以我痛并快乐着。  2、 众里寻你千百度,蓦然回首,原来你还是单身!给我一个机会,让你告别单身!2023光棍节,和我一起去过节!  3、 守

祝福短信 2023-03-31


1、小豆、红豆,豆豆传情;桂圆肉、白果肉,肉肉见味;大米、粘黄米,米米传香;白粥、腊八粥,粥粥祝福:腊八节快乐!  2、活着真累:上车得排队,爱你又受罪,吃饭没香味,喝酒容易醉,挣钱得交税!就连给小猪送个祝福还得收费!祝你腊八快乐!  3、腊八节到了,送你

日常祝福语 2023-03-31


1、最新天气预报:腊八节前后大面积会下钞票,东北华北美钞,西北卢布,华中华南英钞,东南部分地区有支票,局部地区有金条。  2、腊八节祝愿我的朋友在新的一年里:钱多钱少,常有就好;人俊人丑,顺眼就要;人老人少健康就好;家穷家富,和气就好;一切烦恼,理解就好;

日常祝福语 2023-03-31