
更新时间:2024-03-26 15:14:30 发布时间:24小时内 作者:文/会员上传 下载docx

非正式邮件日常范文英文 第一篇

Della lily, thank you for your interesting book. I like it very much, but I can't understand it to this day. I had a bad day.

Last Friday I had a lot of pain and pain. Last Friday I played football twice. After that, I got flu.

My dear sister was also sick. She coughed day and night, but don't worry, my dear friend. We'll soon recover, Peter.



非正式邮件日常范文英文 第二篇

Hao Liguangs classmate:

Hello! I am a member of the organizing committee of the 20xx Xi an International Horticultural Exposition Lets Go Together Student Messenger Exchange Event. Zhou recommended that your students are talented and active. Therefore, the organizing committee sincerely invites you and your students to participate in the student messenger exchange event on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, so that your students can communicate with young students from all over the country and the world on behalf of your school and your region and spread cross-strait friendship.

This activity was organized by the 20xx Xi an World Horticultural Exposition ( hereinafter referred to as the Expo ) to convey the core concepts of the Expo, such as Heaven and Man Chang an, Creative Nature and Harmonious Symbiosis between City and Nature, promote the spirit of Green Leading Fashion to young students, and further promote the concept of Green, Low Carbon and Environmental Protection to students.

The form of participation is very simple. Students will have the opportunity to become a cross-strait communication envoy by uploading their works on the website of the event. The Expo will provide full financial support for communication so that students can use the platform to visit Taiwan and Xi an and communicate with international and national students. The activity does not restrict students background and encourages all students to participate in the activity through the website.

For students, the website is pided into three sections of fashion, fun and personalization: flower language blessing, flower and life, flower in trend, and optional participation. Participatory activities are quick and simple and can be completed in three minutes. This is a platform to display creativity and talent of contemporary college students. Attending the event will not only have the opportunity to get cross-strait exchanges, but also have the opportunity to include his works in the book Plants Around Me to be published next year by Science Squirrels and Brainstorm Host Mr. Yuan Yue. Excellent T – Shirt works will also become the uniform clothing of cross-strait exchange ambassadors.

I very much hope that you can participate in our activities, and also hope to help support this activity in your community and schools, and publicize the Lets Come Together student messenger exchange activities on both sides of the Taiwan Straits among students, and encourage more students to participate. Please see the annex for the introduction of this event. If you need a poster or souvenir, please feel free to contact the organizing committee.

非正式邮件日常范文英文 第三篇

Dear Mr. / Ms.:

Hello! We are honored to invite you to participate in the NGO Consultation Meeting of the 28th Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Asia – Pacific Regional Conference to be held at the 21st Century Hotel in Beijing from May 15 to 16. The theme of this meeting is: from agenda to action – following the NGO Forum on Food Sovereignty. The consultation meeting was hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations ( FAO ) and the Asian Branch of the International Food Sovereignty Program Committee ( IPC – Asia ) and co-sponsored by the China International NGO Cooperation Promotion Association. At that time, more than 100 representatives from more than 80 non-governmental organizations in the Asia – Pacific region will attend the meeting. The declaration of this meeting will be read out at the 27th Asia – Pacific Regional Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on May 17 – 21.

The main topics of this meeting include: …….

非正式邮件日常范文英文 第四篇

Wang Dong: welcome to Beijing, President Taylor. This is Wang Dong. The Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Office of China Guangming advertising company.

Please call me Wang James Taylor: Oh, nice to meet you. Wang Dong: nice to meet you. How about the flight? James Taylor: it's OK, but I feel a little tired Wang Dong: do you want me to help you? James Taylor: Oh, thank you Wang Dong: please follow me to the door and wait for you outside the company nice to meet you Wang Dong President Taylor mr.

james james james James Wang Dong brief greetings: hi (informal) hello (informal) Hullo (informal) good morning / afternoon / evening (more formal) situation) greetings at the first meeting: nice to meet you (nice to meet you too) hello (nice to meet you (for more formal occasions) nice to meet you _nice to meet you_ _nice to meet you too_ _Hi_ _nice to meet you ”_Hello_ _what's the matter_ _give me a hug_ do you want to exchange numbers.


王东:欢迎来到北京,泰勒总统我是王东,中国光明广告公司外事办公室的秘书请叫我王詹姆斯·泰勒:哦,很高兴见到你,王王东:很高兴见到你,飞行怎么样?詹姆斯·泰勒:还好,不过我觉得有点累王东:你想让我帮你吗詹姆斯·泰勒:哦,谢谢王东:请跟我到门口公司的车在外面等你很高兴见到你王东王东总裁TaylorMr Jamesjamesjames 王东简短问候:嗨(非正式场合)你好(非正式场合) Hullo(非正式场合)早上/下午/晚上好(更多正式场合)情境)在第一次见面时致以问候:很高兴见到你(也很高兴见到你你好(很高兴见到你(对于更正式的场合)很高兴见到你“很高兴见到你”“很高兴见到你”“也很高兴见到你”“嗨”“很高兴见到你”“你好”“怎么了”“给我个拥抱”你想交换吗数字。

非正式邮件日常范文英文 第五篇

He spent more time playing computer games than I did. Although we have been trying to overcome his dependence on the Internet, he still failed. The result was a failure.

Information is very important to the format. This sentence means _the popularity of information computers makes many people addicted to the Internet, and the popularity of computers makes many people addicted to the Internet_ To enrich our life, we should do more outdoor activities.


非正式邮件日常范文英文 第六篇

Dear Dr. Anderson, we are having a dinner party for some of our special friends and would like to know if you can come. This is Saturday, June 6, .

at Holiday Inn. Please say you can come, because without you waiting for your reply and sincerely coming to your party, there will be no complete banquet,.



非正式邮件日常范文英文 第七篇

The power of learning:) informal learning has always coexisted with formal learning. With the maturity of our learners and the emergence of collaborative technologies, informal learning will continue to exist, and informal learning can become an important part of strong learning in companies, although more formal teaching forms such as classroom and online learning will continue for several years, observing and utilizing what students are using Informal methods are becoming more and more important. Most of these methods have existed for many years, but if you ask many of today's advanced learners and the training community does not notice them, they will tell you that they are increasingly inclined to these informal learning methods rather than traditional learning methods.

Understanding, tracking, creating and encouraging these informal learning methods will affect more and more students, and you may neglect or lose touch completely.










热门标签: 日常 英文






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