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介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第一篇

Tomorrow is labor day. I have two days to organize my mother's unit to travel to Nanchang, so I am very happy and excited. But tonight is the opening ceremony of the World Expo held in Shanghai, China.

I am a proud Chinese today. My mother and I get up because we have to take a long bus: we arrived in Nanchang in the morning, we went to the August memorial hall, and I learned a lot about it In the afternoon of Chinese history, we went to three poetic names. You know, the south tower is poetic.

Yueyang Tower and yellow crane tower are poetic. We can see from the outside that it is only layered. In fact, it has nine palaces and two inside.

How wonderful its black floor is. Today we went to the magic melon on the mountain, which is a playground with many entertainment facilities and many people. But I only played with three samples because there are Some homes are too erous for me to play.

It's very hot when I have to queue up, so I sweat a lot when I go home in the afternoon.



介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第二篇

The Yellow Crane Tower is one of the famous scenic spots in China. It is located near Wuhan City, Hubei Province. It is about meters high.

It was built from to. It was only used for war before. Now you can open it as long as you climb on it.

You will see a beautiful scenery. Many famous poets have written poems. The scenery around the tower is really a model.

It attracts a lot of foreign tourists, and most of them think highly of the Yellow Crane Tower. In fact, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the best man-made projects in China.



介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第三篇

The Yellow Crane Tower is located on the Snake Mountain in Wuchang, which is one of the _three famous pagodas in the south of the Yangtze River_ (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan Province and Tengwang tower in Jiangxi Province). It is said that there was a tavern opened by a young man named Xin in Wuchang. One day, a Taoist priest drew the wall of a miraculous crane shop and instructed it to dance.

Whenever it heard applause, thousands of people came to see the scene and the hotel general manager After many years of visiting the tavern, the Taoist priest visited the tavern again. He played the flute and rode on a crane to commemorate the supernatural encounter and priest. The Hsin family built the Yellow Crane Tower, which is said to be the Yellow Crane Tower.

It was built in the Three Kingdoms period. After the completion, it was a place for celebrities and poets to gather and write poems. It is estimated that Cui Hao, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, would spread his poem _Yellow Crane Tower_ throughout the country during the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty The Yellow Crane Tower has been destroyed in the past dynasties.

It was rebuilt many times until many years ago that it was finally reduced to ashes. Now the tower is a complete reconstruction, which is the result of four years' work. There, the old tower is only meters wide, and the bottom layer of the new structure is increased to meter width and height.

The yellow tiles and red columns, overlapping ridges and interlocking houses are composed of yellow tiles and red columns Eaves, compared with the old yellow crane tower, is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city.



介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第四篇

The Yellow Crane Tower is one of the most famous places in China and one of the oldest buildings in China. It is located on the Snake Mountain in Wuhan, Hubei Province, with a height of nearly meters. It was built between .

and . and was rebuilt by the government. It was originally used for war.

Now it is open to visitors in the Yellow Crane Tower, where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Many famous poets write poems for it, and many foreigners come here every year.



介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第五篇

到处盛开着五颜六色的鲜花,各色的小蝴蝶翩翩起舞,把大地点缀得更加美丽。在这个柳如烟、花似锦的三月里,老朋友——孟浩然却要离开,到花团锦簇、锦户珍帘的名都——扬州去了。好友李白约孟浩然去长江边上的黄鹤楼,为孟浩然送行。天边泛着微红的朝霞,李白随手从小木盒里拿了一瓶酒。这陈年佳酿就送给你,你在这美好的时节。去胜地——扬州,我好生羡慕,孟浩然打断了李白的话”李兄不用不舍:小弟只是去扬州“要是李兄想我念我了,就来扬州与我聚聚,咱们再喝个一醉方休……,快上船吧“船家在下面吆喝,告辞了!说着孟浩然握紧了李白的手”后会有期。多多珍重“孟浩然匆匆下楼!登上了船”李白站在黄鹤楼上依依不舍地向老朋友招手“他看着那孤舟扬帆,把老朋友越带越远!终于消失在蓝天的尽头”只有汹涌的波浪,奔向碧空尽头。仿佛是去追赶老朋友似的,李白站在那里地眺望着远方。久久沉思,这一切在李白脑海里萦绕,于是他就提起笔来写下了《送孟浩然之广陵》。烟花三月下扬州,我与孟兄骑马来到我们常去的黄鹤楼。今天是孟兄要西下扬州的日子,我早已备好美酒和下酒菜为孟兄饯行:我与孟兄登上黄鹤楼,坐在一处靠窗的桌旁。喝着美酒,吃着下酒菜。微风习习。吹动我和孟兄的衣衫,我们感受到春日的感觉,赋予文章动态的美,)我和孟兄放下酒杯。来到窗前,眺望窗外烟花似海的花海,蓝天上一群群鸟儿自由自在地飞翔,)在这样如画的景色中,我与孟兄诗兴大发,饮酒作对,高兴之下。我们开始畅谈起自己的心事、抱负与理想,时间不早了。我与孟兄只能喝最后一杯酒了,一手拿着酒壶。一手拿着酒杯,慢慢地为孟兄兄斟满酒。我和孟兄一起拿起酒杯,(情景的描写。天下没有不散的筵席,今日一别,不知何时再见,说完。我俩一饮而尽:孟兄背起行囊!让我再送你一程吧!说完”我和孟兄一起走下楼去,(此句与文章的意境不太协调。下文的第一句便可表明去向,) 我们携手走在林阴小道里,路上的景色可真美:好一片春色盎然的景色“夹杂着星星点点的野花。路边的树正发着绿色的新芽”风阵阵吹来“江面上波光粼粼!一只只自由自在的小鸟在我们后面追逐”用它那婉转的歌声歌唱着。好像在为孟兄唱一首离别之歌,在这样生机勃勃的景色中。我们却没有什么心情去欣赏,我们俩一路上默默无语。(优美的景色,营造出浓浓的送别伤感情绪,又巧妙地突出了离别的伤感,) 来到了江边,孟兄刚想上船,我一把拉住孟兄,(太突然,李白与孟浩然对这次分别都还是比较潇洒的,不会有这么戏剧化的表现吧,这一别。不知何日重逢。祝你一路顺风,孟兄感激地说,我们一定会再相见的。孟兄踏上了船,船夫划起了桨!船慢慢地向前划去:孟兄站在船头“一直对我挥手,我也挥起手。默默地为孟兄祝福,船走远了。消失在水天相接的天边”只能见到船的影子“只见波浪一层拍打着一层”向岸边冲来,水中倒映着鱼儿的影子,江面波光闪动,江水滚滚向前:我一直呆呆地站在江边“迟迟没有离去!看着看着”烟花三月下扬州,2黄鹤楼旁。两个人正手牵着手缓缓而行,他们就是李白和孟浩然,这一对情同手足的朋友。孟浩然将从黄鹤楼出发,乘船东行到扬州去了。他们步上黄鹤楼;遥望着遥远的扬州城,可他们多么希望扬州城近在咫尺。好让二人相见。只好收下,船夫又来催促要开船了。孟浩然只好下楼上船。小船渐渐行远,李白还大喊着,孟浩然也叫着“小船慢慢看不见了:可李白仍久久立在江边“很久很久没有离去……3 阳春三月”绿油油的小草从地下探出了小脑袋,如绣花针般的雨密密的斜织着,飘洒在嫩绿的柳条上,似一层薄雾,仿佛一股绿烟在飘动,宛如镶嵌在上面的粒粒珍珠,在阳光下闪闪发亮,西边偏僻的小路,路上鸦雀无声。隐隐约约可以看见两个人,带着伞,那就是大诗人李白和孟浩然,两人走到江边突然停了下来,李白摸摸胡子。满怀深情地说,贤弟。今日本是兄弟游山玩水之日,可你我却要在此离别:送君千里“终有一别,因愚兄有要事在身,不能与你一同赶往令人向往的扬州。等我办完了事,我一定到扬州找你。到时候我们再饮酒赋诗,来个一醉方休,孟浩然欣然一笑,不知我们这一离别何时才能相见,我们之间的友情就是万水千山也隔不断:李白随手拿出纸笔。你的突然离开,你看见这幅画!便如同看见我一般”李白挥手大作“栩栩如生的画呈现在孟浩然的眼前,孟浩然也把一块珍藏多年的玉佩送给李白,孟浩然登上了一叶小舟。缓缓地驶向远方”李白按捺不住自己激动无比的心情,大声喊到,贤弟,仁兄:孟浩然回应道“想起和孟浩然春天赏花吟诗、夏天饮酒赋诗、秋天观叶赏诗。

介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第六篇

The Yellow Crane Tower is one of the most famous places in China. It is located on the Snake Mountain in Wuhou mountain, Hubei Province. It is nearly meters high.

Built between BC and BC, it was rebuilt by the government and was originally used for war. Now it is open to many famous scenic spots in the Yellow Crane Tower.



介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第七篇

My school my school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. Our school has three tall buildings.

The teaching building has five floors. The classroom is on the first floor, the library is on the second floor, the science room is on the third floor, the computer room is on the third floor, and the music is on the fourth floor. My classroom is on the fifth floor.

My school has five gardens. There are many beautiful flowers and trees in the garden There is a big playground in our school. I like my school because it is very beautiful http://wenkubaiducom/view/dfeebafcahtml.



介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第八篇

The Yellow Crane Tower is one of the most famous places in China and one of the oldest buildings in China. It is located on the Snake Mountain in Wuhan, Hubei Province, with a height of nearly meters. It was built between .

and . and was rebuilt by the government. It was originally used for war.

Now it is open to visitors in the Yellow Crane Tower, where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Many famous poets write poems for it, and many foreigners come here every year.




介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第九篇

My school is very beautiful. It is Nanhai Experimental School. Our school has three tall buildings.

The teaching building has five floors. The classroom is on the first floor. The library is on the second floor.

The science room is on the third floor. The computer room is on the third floor. The music room is on the fourth floor.

My classroom is on the fifth floor. My school has five gardens. There are many beautiful flowers and trees in the garden It's a big playground.

I like my school because it's beautiful.




介绍黄鹤楼英语范文 第十篇

The Yellow Crane Tower is one of the most famous places in China. It is located on the Snake Mountain in Wuhou mountain, Hubei Province. It is nearly meters high.

Built between BC and BC, it was rebuilt by the government and was originally used for war. Now it is open to the Yellow Crane Tower to visit the beautiful scenery. Many famous poets write poems for it, and many foreigners come here every year.










热门标签: 英语 范文






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